26. The Nakamura-Tower Part 2

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The shaking from the whole building increased and caused a large concrete piece fall from the ceiling and blocked your exit.

"Please close your eyes. It will get very bright for a second."

The boy clung to you even more and pressed his eyes together.

You had no other option than to blasted your way through it. So you did.

All the reminding plasma travelled in your arms and palms to shoot.

Capacity at 4 percent.

Cracks started to form in the concrete on the floor.

Capacity at 3 percent.

Capacity at 2 percent...

The cracks reached the ground underneath you.

Capacity at 1 percent...

The ground broke open.

Then you jumped out of the building into the night.

You and the boy fell. Merciless.

You searched for anything to hold on to. Anything you could grab and stop the fall but the dust made it impossible to see anything nor to get any orientation.

Your heart rate increased to its limit. Fear shot through your system and your mind froze.

Nothing would cushion the impact.


"Spheric should have survived, not her! He was a much better hero than her! It's a shame! She should just give up being a hero! This whole thing should prove it! Her quirk is not made to save people!"


Had they been right then?

Should you just have given up after all?

Should you just let fate get you? Like it should have gotten you back then?

You tried to shield the boy in your arms as good as possible from the falling concrete and metal parts that would crash onto the ground as well.

The cold air together with several small pieces hit you in the face and sliced through your cheek.

"Miss (Y/n)-hero... I'm afraid!" The boy clenched on tighter. "Want to my Mommy!"

The fear in his bright green eyes brought you to reality.

Don't be so pitiful! Ever again! This is not about you!

"You don't have to be." You told him trying to form a smile. "I will safe us!" The last part was aimed to yourself as well.

This is not over jet! I won't give up! I refuse to! Fate can kiss my ass!

Think (Y/n)! Think!

The cold night air hit your wounded skin and started to let you know about any small cut and bruise the concrete had left behind.

Even with the amounts of adrenaline in your blood you started to feel the injures very clearly.

Wait a second... Air!

An idea shot in your head.

If I'm just able to produce a little bit of the plasma! Just a little bit... Then maybe... If I start the engines in the right moment...

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