10. Heroes International And Beyond

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After your breakfast you decided to unpack the last remaining box and clean the apartment.

The last box had been the ones with the rest of your clothes and the pictures.

You opened it and pulled out the first layer of clothes to reveal the pictures you had packed into the mountain of clothes to make sure the glass wouldn't break at the transport.

You took them out and glared at them lost in your thoughts.

The first of them showed you at your school enrolment with your whole family. Your mother, your father, your sister and your brother where smiling brightly into the camera as well as you.

The second showed only you holding up proudly the certificate that had made you an official hero at this day. You smiled when the memories flooded your mind.

You carefully put them up a shelf in the living room beneath the other portraits from your aunt. Most of them showed her and your mother or your grandparents in their earlier days.

After emptying the box completely, you spun around the apartment with the vacuum you had found in a small storage room, cleaned the kitchen and even folded all your other clothes neatly again to put them in the wardrobe beneath the last remaining items of your aunts clothing.

She hadn't packed anything else from the apartment but nearly her whole wardrobe.

She would probably stay 26 in her head forever.

You had to laugh at the fought of her probably at the moment drinking a cocktail while sitting in a pool surrounded by shirtless guys half her age somewhere in Miami Beach giggling about their cheesy jokes.

You were just about to put back the vacuum when you heard your phone ringing.

"Hey John, what's going on?" You picked up the call.

"Hey (y/n) sunshine. You still want Keigo and me to show you the city, right? Well, I called him earlier about that and he suggested we could do that next Tuesday after another chicken fiesta?"

"Yes, of course! That should be fine by me!" You really liked the idea of repeating the last night with them.

"Jonathan Thomas Barbara Wickley! Move your butt here! We don't have time all day!! Are you making calls again? Just wait until I get you in my fingers...!" You heard an elderly woman yelling in the background.

"Yes grandma, I am just calling..." after that you only heard muffling and then the call got cut.

Jonathan Thomas Barbara Wickley?! He really got some luck with such a name, you thought.

Good luck with angry granny, I guess...

After this short call you checked your emails to see... That one agency had answered!

With shaking hands you clicked on the email and red it.

After that you closed your laptop.

The familiar stinging in your eyes and nose made itself noticeable again...

They wanted you! They actually wanted you!!

Hero agency HIB, short for Heroes International and Beyond, wanted you!

This agency wasn't your first choice, that had been Endeavor's of course, nevertheless they had been the first to reply and definitely stood very high in the rankings as well!

They just started a few years ago. In comparison to other agencies a very young one and because of that, the chance they would consider to hire a newbie and outsider where much higher than other agencies. They often already had their team and often just wanted interns and internships.

They also wrote that they wanted to interview you today?

At 4 o' clock? You looked at the current time. 2.47 pm.

That was a really taut time table considering they only sent you this email a few minutes ago.

Okay (y/n)! You can do this!

No hesitation!


Well, well, well... What do we have here?

Another step in the right direction for (y/n)?

We will see... 😉

Stay healthy

Until next time...


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