41. Buying My Stairway To Heaven, My Ass...

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You watched the trees and fields sail on by trough your dark sunglasses as you leaned your head onto the cold glass of the train window.

Music blasted through your headphones so loud that even Neptune could hear every single word the singer screamed in your ears.

The loud music kept your thoughts away, drowned them out.

Not that there were many left after a whole night without sleep.

Your eyes were dry, no tears had remained.

Only the dark circles under your eyes, they had stayed when the sun had crept up your windows.

You felt miserable and drained and at the same time hollow and numb.

The best feeling to start a training that would probably be more stressful and tiering than you could even imagine. Not.

You were actually thankful for the time you would be far far away from a certain person and had not to think about ways to avoid him.

You hoped this would clear your mind, somehow get order into this mess you called your head at the moment.

That night you had not cried only because of him. 

All the sadness you had gulped down the last year had hit you with full force. 

All the guilt you felt because of your inability to stop and control your own powers had broken through.

Now, that nothing was left, you felt not better but you felt nothing and this was a small a improve in comparison to the previous hours.

The landscape in front of your eyes slowly but surely changed into a rocky one. The small green hills got replaced with rugged imposing mountains, the tunnels the train went through got longer.

Then the train got slower for another stop on a small run-down train station in the middle of nowhere.

Neptune tipped you on your shoulder.

You took out one of the earphones and turned to him.

"We are there. Get your bag."

With that the train stopped completely.

You did as you were told and grabbed your backpack and casing for your costume and followed the tall hero out of the train.

The doors of it closed behind you and with a loud whistle it continued its journey again.

The air smelled fresh, clear in comparison to the air in the city.

You breathed in deeply. Air was very important for the right usage of your quirk, therefore you felt already better by just inhaling the welcome change of it.

You opened your eyes again, observing your surroundings.

Besides the run-down station there was only a small street that looked like nobody had walked on it in years. Grasses and roots had broken through the once smooth asphalt.

A few mountains surrounded you. Not a soul to be seen. Well, besides yourself and Masamune.

"Come on! We have a long march ahead of us." Masamune yelled as he gestured you to follow him on the old street.

On your way the old street transformed more and more into a beaten track. It divided a few times but Masamune seemed to know the way even blindfolded.

After a few hours of walking and getting past a few narrow paths along high scarps you addressed Masamune now for the first time after walking in complete silence.

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