32. The Convention

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You were falling.

Concrete parts were slicing through your skin.

Dust made you lose your orientation.

Only one thing was clear.

The ground was coming. Fast.

Where am I?!

"Miss (Y/n)-hero... I'm afraid!" The boy clenched on tighter. "Want to my Mommy!"

The fear in his bright green eyes brought you back to reality.

He grasped tighter to your body.

Everything you did, felt like put on autopilot.

"You don't have to be." You told him trying to form a smile. "I will safe us!" The last part was aimed to yourself as well.

The heat travelled through your body as you tried to desperately make new plasma.

No, if I don't stop myself this will happen again! I have to do something!

You were in your body but you could not even move your arm on will. Everything occurred like it had happened a week ago.

The heat became stronger and stronger but you didn't stop.

No! Please! If you don't stop you will lose control! Please! Stop! I beg you! You screamed inside your head but your voice didn't reach the ears of your memory.

The feeling of getting washed away, of drowning overwhelmed you again.

The tides of energy threatened to drown you once more.

I can't stop it! What should I do?! You cried in despair as the floods of untamed energy dragged you into its depths.

Above you, you saw the wild waves of the purple sea shimmering in the light of an unknown source while you sank deeper. Inexorable. Again.

Your lungs were screaming for air while the light shining through the surface got slowly but surely replaced by darkness.

Desperately you reached out for it.

For something to hold on to.

For someone to safe you...

Then you felt something gripping on your ankle again.

A subdued scream escaped you. But instead of sound only bubbles of precious air came out.

Another hand grabbed onto your other foot.

Wait! No! Keigo pulled me back to reality at that moment?! Why isn't this happening?!

With all strength you tried to kick away the hands but their grip on you got only stronger with every new attempt of you to get free.

More of them were reaching their fingers out in your direction. Wrapping itself around you like snakes, pulling you deeper and deeper.

Your lungs felt like they were tearing apart.

Your vision got blurry.

Black spots started to form.

No! Please! I don't want to die!

You ripped your hands free from the grasps of the shadows with one last attempt.

You wanted to scream.

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