49. Back In The City

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"And how exactly did you say you got it again?" The officer asked with a sceptic expression. He did not really buy your story.

"Like I said, when I came back, I found this on my balcony in this plastic bag. But this is not the point, right? This piece of metal maybe gives us the last proof we need to capture The Holy Alliance!" You said as you starred at the officer across the table. You did not understand his mistrust.

Endeavour's gaze was burning on your skin like his blazing flames on his costume and beard. The whole interrogation he had not said one word. He had just stood behind the officer with crossed arms and broad stand, letting the normal sized policeman look oddly small in comparison to his massive size.

"That we don't know yet. I will ask you again: Where did you get it from? Miss Purple Flash, I don't know if you know about your current situation." He said.

"For my liking the coincidence that you, Miss Purple Flash, a relative of one of the victims of the cult and its head, somehow mysteriously 'found' an exhibit that could, if this is what we think it is, give the perfect last missing piece in this puzzle is a little too high."

You narrowed your eyes. "What do you mean by that? Am I a suspect to you?! Yes, my brother was a victim of the cult but this drives me even further to capture them and get them behind bars!" This was just unbelievable!

Instead of analysing the branding iron right away, these cops wasted their time with questioning you!? You knew that your little story was not really the truth but telling them that one of the most wanted villains in Japan had given it to you? Voluntarily?

No, then they definitely would waste their time with 'investigating' this first. Precious time could get lost! Therefore, you had decided to tell them this small little lie. No one would get hurt by this.

"I'm just saying that this coincidence is a little suspicious." The police man replied.

You looked at him in disbelieve and frustration then glared up to the flame hero, standing behind the officer. "You know that I want to capture them as much as you want to, probably even more! I would never join forces with any of them!"

"Yes, you proved that with your little outburst after the convention but exactly this is the problem. There is a reason why we never found much evidence. They are very careful! And now you come back from your journey and get us this branding iron?"

You groaned in frustration. "What else should I have done?" You glared back at the officer. "Throw it away?! I don't know who left it on my balcony but maybe this person wants to capture the cult as well? Maybe this person knew somehow that I would recognize it and get it to you guys?"

Yes, this is the only plausible explanation why Dabi could have given it to me...


A small knock on the door of the interrogation room was heard.

The officer stood up and went to the door, followed by Endeavour who glared at you for a brief second too long.

He did not believe your story as well.

Then you were alone in this cold grey room again. Your reflection in the great mirror in front of you starred back at you.

You groaned again. "I just want to capture them, god damn it!" you did not know if someone was behind the mirror but you wanted to do everything to convince them that you just wanted to capture the cult!

The door opened again and revealed the same police officer in his grey suit again. Endeavour was nowhere to be seen.

"We couldn't find any of your fingerprints on the branding iron itself."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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