13. The Brand-New Nano Fiber 5000

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"Okay, you will absolutely love the new design! Remember the issue with your last suit? You always complained about the stiffness of the fiber so I assembled the polymers in a new order and that worked even better! They should absorb now even more of your plasma than the beta version of the last one! Op to 130 percent! Well only problem now is that it has to sit really tight now and I could heighten the elasticity percentage in the fiber only to a certain level to not lose the new features. We fought a bout that problem a lot and then mum got the idea to make it into two parts! That you still had the ability to move around without limitations due to the material" your sister started bubbling about her newest master piece while putting a big black suit case on the table.

She had dragged you to the first underground floor.

The light in here came from bright neon lamps which got reflected very good from the light grey walls.

Turned out that this and the other underground floor had only the purpose of suit building, calibration and training.

The whole workstation you found yourself in was full of half-opened devices and parts that where placed around them, screwdrivers in many different shapes and sizes and other things you had not even seen in the garage of your dad. Even a small sofa was placed at he end of the room.

With big eyes you watched your sister as she opened the suit case. "May I present you: The brand-new nano fiber 5000!"

"Does it fit? I took the measurements from our last one. You didn't put on weight 'till then, did you?" Your sister teased.

She had given you your new costume and then forced you to put it on immediately. You were also very exited how and which parts had been improved besides the material so you hurried up and stepped out of the changing room.

With a slight blush dusting your cheeks you stepped in front of your sister. If she wouldn't have been directly in working mode scanning all the small details, she would definitely have made another comment like the one in front of Monica's office.

Your new costume consisted out of black combat boots with a high profile.

Your legs were covered with a black high-waisted leggings like trouser.

There was also a black holster set on top to secure any kinds of weapon or spare parts for the costume.

The top consisted out of a black cropped but long-sleeved sports bra with a very prominent triangular cut-out that showed well, enough...

There were also black gloves which connected to the sleeves of the top with a slight twist like the shoes did as well and a, who would have thought, as well black coloured mask which covered your face from chin to the tip of your nose.

"Oh, you did put on weight but in the right places, lil' sis." Your sister said jokingly after she had rounded you once to see if everything fit in place.

You had to chuckle. "Yeah, hormones are kicking now." You gave back with a slight grin on your face.

"But isn't it a little bit too black? I mean in comparison to the last one I look a little bit like a domina or a villain, don't you think?"

She chuckled. "Yes, but the last one was made for a young girl! This one is for a real pro! You will look much more professional. Trust me and besides... Please activate your quirk..." The last words she had said with a wicked grin in her face.

It mend nothing good if she had that look in her face when it was about her inventions... But you did anyways.

Without the suit you were only able to produce your purple glowing plasma at your palms. Other parts of your skin were not recommended unless you wanted to get naked really quickly.

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