2. Saying Goodbye

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There it was. 

The big day... 

When everything should change to the better... Or at least everybody hoped so...

You stood there with your suitcase on the train station. Ready to leave.

"Do you have your ticket?! Where is your phone?! And your purse?! Did (y/m/n) give you your lunch we made?! Darling, she didn't get her lunch we made I have to drive back and get it!!"

"(y/f/n), calm down. Everything is fine. Yes, I gave it to her. She has everything she needs." Your mother tried to calm down your dad.

He had always been the one who couldn't stand goodbyes. He always had been a mess when it came to them. 

When your older sister had been going to college, he cried the whole drive back. Even if he doesn't want to be reminded to such incidents.

"Dad, you know I'm 19 , almost 20. I am a big girl now. I will still be there only one phone call or one text message away." You tried to calm him as well. 

"Look I got the lunchbox inside. " You patted your suitcase and looked at him with a smile.

"Last announcement for the train on this track. The train is leaving the station in two minutes. Please enter the train now." A robotic voice rang out of the speakers. 

"Okay, sweetie you know we love you. You can always call us and if you need anything..." 

"I know, you will caper the next plane and come as fast as possible to me to help me." You joked and hugged your mum. 

Your dad joining in you gave both a kiss on the cheek. 

"Now hurry or I will change my mind and not let you go!" Your father said while suppressing tears. 

"Ow, Dad I thought we said no crying!" you laughed. 

"I'm not crying! I just got sand in my eyes!" You and your mother smirked at each other while your dad tried to wipe away the upcoming tears underneath his glasses. 

Your mother opened the door for you while your father helped you getting the suitcase inside the train. 

With a swift motion the doors closed and you heard the loud whistling of a pipe.

Then the train got into motion. 

Into an unknown future that would be far away from this town, from its people and also from your family and your home...

But there was no turning back now. 

You had to do this. 

You wanted to do this. 

There was no time nor a reason for waiting any longer.

No hesitation.

Short chapter here hehe😜
Hope you liked it

You maybe ask yourself why the title of this fic is called "Red and Purple" ;)

That is because of your quirk so much I can say *grins wickedly and disappears into the shadows*

Hawks x Hero!Reader [The Things We Hide]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ