7. Wart Cream, Apologies And A Pet Name

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There you stood. In front of this small shop again. But with a very different reason then a day ago.

You clapped your hands to your cheeks. Something you always did if you needed to overcome your hesitation.

Then you stepped inside the little bell on the door announcing your arrival. Quickly you looked all around the shop if you could spot certain wings but you couldn't.

"He will come again tonight or tomorrow. So please stop searching for him while stalking through my shop like a burglar! That will only scare away my customers and get the attention of other heroes. Man, I definitely don't want them to destroy my market again because of any of that."

"Ouch!" You howled out. You had hit your head on a shelf while you got startled of a voice coming surprisingly near firm behind you. You had not noticed someone had approached behind you.

Turning around completely you saw the cashier from last night.

"Well... Ahhh... I... I... Didn't... Argh! Oh man! I'm sorry about the incident! I really am!" with these words you bowed in front of his folded arms.

"Ha ha, so there are manners in these kids these days? Well who would have thought that the little miss 'fuck you psycho bird chicken nugget man' would come to apologise!" His deep voice rumbled in amusement.

For a man in his twenties he looked pretty old. A good amount of a brown beard with green orbs and a straight nose looked down at your still bowling frame. His hair had been shortened to a few centimetres on the sides but the top was still pretty long.

" I'm really sorry sir. But you do not seem much older than me." "Ha? First apologies and now back talking? Oh man, maybe they really don't have manners these days..."

You ended your bow just in time to see him shake his head. He laughed. "I'm sorry Miss 'fuck you bird chicken nugget man'. I'm just joking." He winked playfully.

"I'm 24 Jonathan Wickley but you can call me John. Nice to meet you!"

With that he spread out his hand and shook yours with a toothy grin on his face. "Well, hello. I'm (y/fn) (y/ln). Nice to meet you too, John."

"You know, I wasn't looking for him, I was looking for, you know..." you looked ashamed to the ground. "Yeah, of course not." the sarcasm dripping from his words.

"No, really I was searching for..." you grabbed the next best thing. "Wart cream?" he asked disbelieving while raising a brow. "Why the fuck would you sell something like that in a store like this?" you asked him looking at the small tube in your hands with the same disbelief he did.

"Hey I don't use it. But all these old people who come here want it." John defended himself while holding up his hands in a defending manner. "Well old people and you, I suppose?"

"Okay fine you got me. But for real now... You need to let me work here!"

John just laughed again "Fast change of topic, wasn't it? I'm sorry but the shop doesn't throw up enough money, I suppose. Besides I can't just let a STRANGER work here, even if they are as cute as you are. Do you really want to stalk Keigo so much? Do you want to wait 'till he comes here again, follow him home and murder him by strangulating him with these noodles?" he wiggled with his eyebrows.

"Ha ha, what is going on inside your head?!" you laughed. "No, I don't want to do shit like that. He is the psycho of us both, not me." you wanted to make clear.

"I just... I wanted to apologize to him as well. We both had a bad day and I didn't act really nice."

John nodded understandingly.

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