43. Past

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The birds had already started their chirping again while the first sunrays illuminated the highest peaks of the surrounding mountains and clouds with their rich orange and red colours.

Your back hurt, your muscles ached and you were tired as heck. Sitting all night outside on a cliff for the fourth time now showed its aftermath very clearly.

Every time you nearly had fallen asleep a hit on the back of your head had woken you again and while you fought against the exhaustion the old man besides you seemed to do this all with ease.

You also had no idea how he was able to hit you without moving a centimetre out of his position, not to mention the perfect timing of each hit with his closed eyes.

You tried to make your position a little less painful with wiggling into another and sighed.

All the nights you had tried to do what Yasuo had told you.

Clear your mind, feel the flow of energy.

But every time your mind had come to rest, another thought, another emotion had infiltrated your head. Mostly they were about the priest or the cult but often golden eyes and red feathers sneaked in, too.

Every time you thought you had gotten a glimpse of this mysterious flow, it slipped away further.

It was exhausting.

The you felt movements besides you. Your sensei woke up from his stone still position and stood up. "Rest now. We will continue at dusk again."

Then he went inside.

You fell behind on your back in relief to not have to continue to sit on the cold stone. One minute longer and you definitely would have turned into stone yourself.

You forced yourself to stand up with all your bones and muscles protesting and took a warm bath which eased the soreness for a little. Then you slept for a few hours before you helped Imari or Ami cooking or cleaning the dojo.

This circle of meditating, bathing, napping and helping repeated itself now for the fourth time while you didn't even notice a small change in your marks or your quirk.

Slowly frustration bubbled up inside of you.

You could not waste your time with meditating if the killer of your brother was still on the loose! You needed to stop your powers as soon as possible to get back and track him down!

You were currently carrying two heavy buckets of water from the near fountain as Taro approached you.

"Hey (Y/n)! Oh wait, let me help you!" The black-haired said as he reached out for one of the buckets.

"Hey Taro. No no, it's okay. I can carry them on my own." But then he had already taken both of them against your protest.

"No, I-I will help you." He smiled brightly. "Where shall they go?"

"Ami needs them in the kitchen." You explained.

This now had been the fifth time Taro had helped you with tasks like that.

"Okay, to the kitchen it is then." He smiled again with his bright smile.

You both headed to the house as he started again.

"(Y/n)? Everything alright? You seem not very happy." He looked at you with a concerned expression.

You sighed heavily. "It's just... Your, no, our master. I don't think that he isn't a good sensei. I mean, I see you and him train and it is impressive what he taught you and also Masamune but..."

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