seventy-nine; diva

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Winona couldn't help but notice how down her brother had gotten in the last few weeks. He would practically mope around everywhere, he slouched, and he had little to no energy anymore. At first, his sister assumed it was because the glee club lost sectionals, but even several days after they were reinstated as an official club, he was the same. The only time he wasn't in such a sad state was the rare times he could skype with Rory. The Watts family's terrible internet, mixed with their conflicting schedules and time zones left for slim chances of them ever talking often or for very long.

Winona knew she had to do something about it, so like she discussed with Finn, she would be pulling him from glee club for a week to get that pep back in his step.

Considering the glee club was doing a diva week anyways, Winona decided to help him get back in touch with his inner diva. She just had to figure out how.

( — )

Finn sat in Ms. Pillsbury's office, discussing his worries and own insecurities— despite the fact that he was supposed to be asking her to co-run the glee club this week.

"Winona's just . . so cool. She's auditioning for movies in New York, for pete's sake. What do I have to offer a woman like that? I'm just a pathetic man-boy," Finn ranted, pouting.

"I get what it feels like to be lonely. I haven't really felt like myself since Will's been away, and it's kind of scary," Emma consoled, offering him an understanding smile, "You know, sometimes you feel like it's the only feeling you're ever gonna have in the world. And it will be, until you get back in the saddle."

"Thanks, Ms Pillsbury. Honestly, you're the only person here— other than Winnie, who can always cheer me up. Mr Shue's a lucky guy."

She nodded in agreement, "He really is . . Oh, um, but don't just thank me. You can pay me back by, um, helping me pick a centrepiece arrangement."

He nodded, watching as she pulled out two different centrepieces, "Option number one, or option number two?"

"I'd go with the white one," Finn answered honestly, his explanation about as articulate as a toddlers, "because blue is like the colour of sad, and white is the colour of pure, like you."

"That's exactly what I thought," Ms Pillsbury nodded, taking a marker and turning to her giant board of wedding to-dos, "I'm gonna mark this off my list."

They shared a smile, before he excused himself to go make a coffee in the staff room.

( — )

Eric and Winona sat in her car in silence. She had offered to give him a ride to school instead of walking, but that itself was pretty suspicious to him— considering school was a 5 minute walk, and they had been on the road for at least 10.

"You heard they're doing a diva week, right?"

"Yeah," Eric said slowly, voice practically monotone, "I'm not sure about it, though. I've never really been over the top or glamorous or loud. Blaine and Lydia keep texting me about it, sending me pictures of their elaborate outfits and stuff— They're true divas. and I just don't think that's me."

"Don't worry, Eric. Not everyone needs to be a diva," Winona agreed, leaning over to reach into the glove box in front of him, "but you do need to try your hand at it."

The boy cocked a confused brow as she took a striped hat— Finn's hat, and passed it to him.

"What's this for?"

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