forty; born this way

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It was safe to say this week wasn't going so well. Booty camp sucked, Rachel's nose was broken, Finn was spending so much time with Quinn— bringing out a little bit of jealousy in Winona, and now the glee club was doing a Gaga lesson instead of actually rehearsing for New York.

Winona honestly felt bad for Rachel— she was pretty, and her nose didn't make her any less gorgeous.

"Hey, Finn, what song do you think I should—" Winona began, Finn stopping her.

"Once second, Winnie. I'll totally help you once I'm done putting up these posters," Finn told her, holding up one of the many Fabray-Hudson prom posters in his hand. Winona just nodded as he headed into the hall.

Then, Santana approached her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Sup, lady?"

"I need your help," She started, "I'm gonna break up Brittany and Artie."

"That's awful, Santana, he's my best friend and I've never seen him so happy," Scolded Winona, frowning.

"Come on, Artie can get someone else. . eventually," Santana continued, "Brittany belongs with me."

Winona narrowed her eyes at the other, "Look, this is a terrible idea. There's no way in hell I'm going to help you do it. But, I guess I won't tell him."

"Good enough deal for me," Santana uttered, shrugging as she walked off as well.

"Wait!" Winona stopped her, the other turning her head to look over her shoulder, "He's fragile. Please, please don't let the breakup be harsh."

Santana lacked any compassion for Artie, but she still nodded casually, before continuing down the hall.

( — — )

Finn offered for Winona to perform I Gotta be Me with him for glee club, but she politely declined— insisting she wasn't the bad dancer in the relationship, and she could perform something for herself.

Still, even when he was struggling to dance around, he looked really good trying his best with Mike's help. His gaze was mostly fixed on his feet so he wouldn't mess up, but he constantly glanced at Winona to see her smiling face.

Everyone applauded as Mr. Schue stood up, "All right, Finn! Perfect! See, guys, someone who's not afraid to point out something they're really bad at."

"But I'm getting better, right?" He questioned, everyone silently and awkwardly avoiding his gaze. Finn then rushed to sit next to Winona, giving her a quick kiss while Rachel stood up with papers in her hand.

"The compositions came back from the doctor, showing what my nose would look like slightly altered, and I have to say, I'm really happy with the results. They're less Hebraic, and more Fabrayic," Rachel explained, passing out the papers. The photo of her looked off, Quinn's nose clearly photoshopped onto her face. Everyone narrowed their eyes.

"That doesn't really look like you."

"Every year, girls show up to my temple after their 16th birthday, looking suddenly slightly different. And you know what? Even though it's easier to make out with them without getting constantly stabbed in the eye, they're not as hot," Puckerman spoke up disapprovingly.

"Well, this isn't about being hot. It's about conquering your destiny, and finding something in yourself that you want to change and change it," Rachel rambled, "Plus, they said that it could improve my voice, so...Look, if you guys aren't willing to support my decision, then I'm pretty accustomed to making it on my own."

"Rachel, please don't do this. You're beautiful," Finn spoke. Rachel clearly took that comment to heart.

"Yeah," Winona agreed, "you're seriously one of the prettiest girls I've ever met."

"This isn't a discussion. I have made up my mind. Rachel Berry is getting a nose job."

Winona frowned, leaning backwards in her seat. She hated seeing Rachel feel this way, even if she didn't like her that much.

( — — )

Santana and Karofsky were a weird pairing. Even if they were both straight, they wouldn't make sense together. Still, as long as he was laying off Kurt in an attempt to get him back, Winona didn't care how weird it was. She missed Mr. Hummel so much.

Once Kurt proclaimed his re-arrival, glee club felt complete. Everything felt normal again.

"I bet I can guess what's going on your shirt," Winona told Finn, approaching him at his locker.

"Oh? Well, Winnie, cast your vote. The options are puffy pyramid nipples, himbo or can't dance."

She frowned, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Please, you don't have puffy pyramid nipples. I was gonna say nothing— because you are literally flawless."

"Alright, I wouldn't go that far," Finn objected with a smile, putting his hands on her waist, "you on the other hand. You must have been having so much trouble picking something for your shirt— there's nothing to put on there."

Winona scoffed with a giggle, "Actually, I just can't figure out which of my flaws is the worst. I mean, there's the acne that's been popping up on my forehead, the impulsive decisions and—"

"You're crazy. Your shirt should say crazy, because you're gorgeous. That acne will go away, and it's not even a big deal. I think it should be blank, but you are gonna figure something out for that shirt and it's gonna be fine. Don't stress." He leaned in for a kiss, but before their lips met, a frantic Quinn approached the couple, tears in her eyes.

"Woah, Q, what's going—"

Quinn held up the poster Lauren made, clearly in distress. Said poster contained a somewhat embarrassing photo of Quinn from many years ago with the caption 'Lucy Caboosey'. Finn and Winona gazed at each other with the same upset look, before she waved her boyfriend off so she could talk to Quinn alone.

"Thats. . you?" Winona asked, referring to Lucy-caboosey, Quinn nodding timidly, "She's beautiful. You're beautiful."

"I look terrible. I look like—"

"A beautiful girl . . who I'd want to be friends with. And I'm so glad I am. Quinn's pretty— Lucy's pretty, and I love you both."

Quinn softened, prompting Winona to pull her into a hug. Winona hated seeing Quinn like this, same way Rachel was. Insecure.

( — — )

In the auditorium, everyone was sharing what they wrote on their shirts and laughing it up. Winona was one of the last to show up, everyone looking to her expectantly.

"There's Winnie the pooh!" Called Sam, Finn rushing over to her. She put her hand on her zipped, undoing it to show off what flaw was on her shirt.

"Angry," She explained, "Because, y'know, I can be angry sometimes— and I act on it."

Everyone wooed, before going back to sharing until Mr. Schue showed up and they performed Born This Way.

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