eleven; hairography

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"Winona? Why is there a pink thermometer into the bathroom's garbage?" Eric asked innocently, walking into Winona's room. Her heart sank as she processed the words her brother just shared with her. She jumped off of her bed and dashed across the entire room over to the confused boy.

"Shh! I don't want dad hearing," She hissed, putting her hand over his mouth and dragging him into her room so she could explain. They sat down on the bed and Winona paused the Blair Witch Project, which was playing in the background.

"That, Eric, is a pregnancy test--"

'What??" He exclaimed. Winona quickly shushed him.

"It was a one time thing," She explained, avoiding his gaze, "and it was negative, okay? I just skipped shark week and wanted to be sure."

He nodded, standing up with an uneasy expression.

"You won't tell dad, right??" Winona insisted. She knew he wouldn't, but everything felt uncertain right now and she would take any reassurance she could get. Eric nodded, pulling a Finn and pretending to zip and lock his lips closed. She smiled at him as he exited, before lying on her back and putting her pillow over her head for a minute or two.


( — )

Winona walked in to Ms. Pillsbury's office sheepishly, making sure no one was around so she wouldn't have to worry about people hearing the conversation that was about to play out.

"Miss Watts! Lovely to see you again. Oh, are you crying?"

Winona didn't even realize there were tears in her eyes. Must be a horomones thing. She shrugged, Winona leaned slightly over the table, trying not to speak too loud. If this got out, it would mean social suicide and a permanent grounding.

"I guess."

"Are you okay?"

"No. Why else would I be here?"

Emma nodded with an understanding frown.

"Fair enough, have a seat."

"Uh. . this is all confidential, right? Just you and me?" Winona spoke hesitantly, receiving a nod from the guidance counsellor.

"Of course! Yes, just you and me," Ms. Pillsbury chirped as she clasped her hands together, smiling comfortingly

"Okay good, because uh. . Um, Ms. Pillsbury, I think I might be pregnant."

Emma's eyes widened a little, "Oh—"

"Well, I don't actually know, but so far, some signs are pointing to yes."

The ginger nodded to show she was still listening, before digging around for a bunch of pamplets to give her. Her fingers curled around one, and she held out her hand to give it to her. Winona was too busy embarassedly avoiding the other's gaze to notice.

"And the guy slept with, I like him, but not like-like. I only slept with him because the guy I like has a girlfriend."

Ms. Pillsbury froze. Was this really how teenager's lived these days? Realizing it wasn't a good fit for the situation, she swiftly retracted the pamphlet.

"So. . you, ahem, did the deed with this guy, because you wanted to get over—"

"Yeah," Winona finished fast, "and the guy I slept with told me he's gonna transfer after this year and he slept with me to get over someone."

Shocked again, Emma had to stop herself from saying holy shit out loud.

"I really need to make more pamphlets," She mumbled to herself, putting a few of the previous ones she picked out in her drawer.

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