two; showmance

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"Freak out!" The glee club sang, dancing enthusiastically to the choreography Mr. Schuester conjured up. They were trying their best, but there was a struggle.

Winona was a terrible dancer for the most part, other than the tango, which she took classes for in fifth grade for god knows why. Finn was terrible, he had trouble singing without closing his eyes and he could barely walk. Artie couldn't do the 'John Travolta hands' while also moving his wheelchair around and Mercedes was not a fan of Rachel's leg kicks, which she was not afraid to make very clear.

"Woah woah," Mercedes began, "Hell to the no."

Everyone stopped dancing as the debate on whether or not the song was good commenced.

"No, the song is really gay," Kurt interjected.

Winona started at the floor while everyone panicked about having to sing this song infront of the whole school.

"I'm dead," Finn muttered, snapping Winona out of her trance.

"We all are, you're not special," Winona tried joking to lighten the mood. He forced a quick smile, before they turned back to rehearse the stupid song again.

( — )

Winona laughed to herself at the scene in the glee club; Rachel staring longingly at Finn, who was struggling to tie his shoes and Mercedes and Kurt's argument over style. She loved observing people, and what they did or said when the assumed others weren't looking.

Mr. Schue walked in, talking about Kanye, prompting everyone to stand up excitedly.

"For the assembly?" Mercedes clapped, Schuester shaking his head.

"No, still doing disco. But we can fold this into our repertoire and it'll be awesome at regionals!"

Everyone's spirit died a little as he continued talking. Instead of looking at the sheet music, Winona found herself gazing at Finn. It wasn't intentional, but it took an unreasonable amount of effort for her to pry her eyes gaze off of him.

Winona started paying attention when Mercedes started singing, and everyone else was prompted to join it. They all bounced to the beat as Mr. Schue did an impressive rap.

They rehearsed a couple times before it was dismissed and everyone was left to go to their respective ways.

Winona walked out of the choir room with a wide smile on her face. She truly felt like she belonged.

( — )

No way. This cannot be happening.

Winona has a crush on the dumbest, least available boy in the whole school.

Winona has a crush on Finn Hudson.

She figured it out fast after overhearing Rachel's relentless flirting with Finn as they walked down the halls. There was an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. One she wasn't super used to. Jealousy.

No, this was just some little schoolgirl crush. She liked the idea of Finn; the token straight boy with a better reputation that everyone else. She'd get over this in no time.


She slammed her locker shut unnecessarily hard, speed walking away until she couldn't hear them flirting. She ran into someone. Artie, to be exact. She nearly tripped, but his hands sprawled out to steady her in time.

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