fifty-seven; heart

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While last year's Valentines Day was pretty awesome for Winona, she was quite excited for it this year. Things were finally looking up for her.

The New Directions were sitting in the choir room— excluding Blaine, who was still in the hospital. Everyone was clearly having mixed feelings about this V day.

The couples were having a grand time. Tina and Mike were taking selfies, Winona and Finn were messing around with the drum set, Lydia and Rachel were braiding each other's hair, Brittany and Santana were kissing, and Eric and Rory were cuddling.

Kurt sighed as he sat down at the piano, gazing at everyone who was with their partner. He wished Blaine was around today, but because of Sebastian, he was alone on the day of love.

"Okay, everybody, let's hear it for love!" Called Mr. Schue as he entered the choir room with a smile, "Your assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the world's greatest love songs."

Winona was already racking her brain for a song to duet with Finn, "Now, Regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hair spray."

"Oh, God, not another bake sale."

"If any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these world's greatest love songs to their Valentine. We will serenade each classroom—"

"No!" Dozens of shouts of disagreement cut him off.

"Two years ago, we went room-to-room Christmas caroling, they threw food," Whined Tina.

Mike nodded, "And shoes."

Sugar raised her hand with a smile, waiting to be called on by Mr. Schue, "Yes, Sugar?"

"Here's a spoonful of Sugar for you all," She began, "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff when you're rich."

"Very wise," Winona mumbled with a small smile. Sugar stood up and reached into her purse for a wad of cash.

"So, here you go."

"Uh, Sugar, I can't take that," Schuester uttered.

"Take it," Kurt asserted. He didn't want to have a repeat of the classroom to classroom carolling.

"Okay," He said reluctantly, "Everyone, give it up for Sugar for paying for our FinalNet and cumberbunds!"

Everyone began to clap, Sugar grinning, "I love the sound of applause, even if I have to buy it!"

After the applause died down, Winona looked to Artie— only to see him gazing at Sugar. Not his usual annoyed stare, it was almost as if he was admiring her.

"Okay, everyone, look under your chairs. Except you, Artie. Your chair kept moving, so I hid your surprise in the wastebasket."

Everyone did as instructed, gasping in delight as they saw the boxes of chocolate that was waiting for them. Puckerman clearly already checked his seat, as his mouth and the skin around it was stained with chocolate.

"I found mine ten minutes ago," He said with a full mouth.

"V-Day is my fave day ever. And to help me celebrate, my daddy's throwing me a huge party at Breadstix!" Sugar announced with a smile, everyone oohing and ahhhing, "And I'm naming it the Sugar Shack. And drumroll, Winona—"

With Finn's help, Winona did the best drumroll she possibly could, but it was pretty bad.

"—you're all invited! But you have to bring a date. No single people allowed. They're sad and boring and they don't exist in my world," Sugar went on.

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