twenty-five; grilled cheesus

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"I'm home, dad!" Winona called, shutting the door. Eric went home early because he was feeling sick, leaving Winnie to return on her own. Mark was standing in the kitchen, scowling. Winona cocked a brow at his upset expression.

"A Britney Spears sex riot?" Mark started. The colour drained from Winona's face.


"Week one of glee club, remember what I told you?"

"No awkward-sexy choreo? That was a joke!" Winona argued, sliding her backpack strap off of her shoulder.

"But it still stands, Winona," He said calmly, arms crossed, "you are a child. You shouldn't be doing anything. . like that. Especially in front of the whole school!"

"It wasn't like it was my idea. I have no say in what we do."

"Then maybe you should quit."

Winona paused. She shook her head.

"No way, I can't—" She started, approaching the counter. She crossed her arms, hugging herself with a pout.

He went on, "Here's the deal— one more weird sexual thing, and you're out of the club. No exceptions."


"You heard me. I trust you, okay? I don't trust your peers, or that wacky teacher."

"Fine." Winona answered simply. She sulked up the stairs, before collapsing on her bed with a sigh.

( — )

If there was one thing Winona liked, it was positive attention. The feeling of applause and praise from people filled her heart with joy. Which is why, she was hoping to impress Mr. Schue with an excellent solo this week, what she wanted to be her stepping stone to a solo at regionals. (as long as her dad doesn't pull her out of glee club first)

Although, this whole 'spirituality week' schtick wasn't exactly Winona's thing. In all honestly, she never really thought about what her beliefs were. She could be considered religiously-ambiguous. What song was she supposed to sing when she wasn't a very god-ish person? Winona was sure she'd figure it out. She was a optimistic about this week.

That went downhill fast.

"My dad's in the hospital," Kurt breathed out sadly, looking over at Winona. They stood outside of school together, her turning to fully face him. His expression was sad, clear he might cry at any given moment.

"Burt? What happened? Is he okay?" She asked. While she didn't know Burt super well, he was really nice to her. He shrugged.

"Heart attack. He's alive but we don't know when he's gonna wake up," his voice nearly broke. Winona pulled him into a hug, him quickly wrapping his arms around her for comfort. Winona couldn't imagine how emotional she'd feel if anything like that ever happened to her dad, even when they argued.

"Kurt, I'm so sorry."

"I don't know how the glee club's going to react. They'll pray for me, even though thats the last thing I want."

"Hey, I get it," Winona soothed, breaking away from the hug. She linked her arm with his and they walked to the glee club together. She was going to be there to support him every step of the way, he needed it.

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