twenty-eight: never been kissed

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Glee club was officially back to normal again. No more Rocky Horror, Winona was back in glee club, and Puck was out of juvie.

Winona sat next to Puckerman, staring at him with a disappointed glare. He looked back at her, cocking a brow.


"You stole an ATM machine? Seriously? Why?" She scolded, trying not to smile at him. Even if he was mean and annoying sometimes, she did appreciate him being around.

"I just. . felt like it," He shrugged, everyone turning to Mr. Schuester as he walked into the choir room.

"Alright guys, let's get down to business! First, let's welcome back Noah Puckerman. Puck, I hope your time in juvie has taught you a lesson or two about right and wrong?"

Smirking, Noah shook his head, "Are you kidding me? I ruled that place."

"Oh, did you?" Winona challenged, nudging him. He nudged her back.

"All I did was crack skulls and lift weights all day."

"Oh, what a catch, can't believe I ever let you go," Quinn mumbled in annoyance.

"Aaaanyways," Schuester began, "drumroll, Finn! Because I have in my hand our competition for sectionals next month."

As Mr. Schue introduced The old folks and the Warblers as their competition, Winona set her head back on Puck's shoulder.

"The shoulder, again?" Finn whispered bitterly.   Rachel took it upon herself to mimic Winona and put her head on Finn's shoulder, making him tense a little, before relaxing and putting an arm around her.

"Moving on. Since this seems to get you guys jazzed about sectionals last year, I wanna make this week our second annual boys versus girls tournament. So! Split up into two groups, and, uh, figure out which songs you're gonna sing." Mr. Schue announced, everyone rushing to their respective sides. Like last year, Kurt rushed to hide behind Winona, until Schuester stopped him without even turning to look at him.

"Kurt, gonna say it again. Boys team."

"Don't leave meee," Winona whined to Kurt, dragging the e out as he left to join the boys side.

( — )

Winona walked down the hall with Artie, Puck suddenly coming up behind them and putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Move over, blondie, I need to wheel him around," He told her, before nudging her out of his way. Puck put his hands on the back of the wheelchair and started pushing Artie down the hall.

"What are you doing?" She asked, keeping pace and walking alongside them.

"Relax, I'm here to take care of Artie! Dude, you're my boy now."

"I don't understand," Artie said, Winona nodding.

"Me neither."

"I got outta juvie early because I agreed to do community service, and I ain't picking up trash along the freeway, that's ghetto," Puck explained, Winona rolling her eyes, "So I told my proby officer I knew a kid that needed help and she went for it."

"You are ridiculous," She scoffed, patting Artie's shoulder, "good luck with him, Abrams."

Smiling nervously, Artie waved while Winona walked off. Not that Puck was a bad person, but he was totally untrustworthy.

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