thirty-five; comeback

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Sue joining glee club for the week was scary news. While Winona had never actually spoken to the woman, she was sure that the cheerio coach could kill her in an instant if she wanted to.

"This can't be happening."

"Yeah, this does seem like a terrible idea," Artie said uneasily.

"Guys! It's not up for discussion, okay?" Will sighed, looking at his students, who were clearly in disagreement with his decision, "Now it's no secret that Coach Sylvester has taken her licks."

"I mean . . just— wanky," Santana said, shaking her head. Sue sent her a disapproving look.

"I believe that she could use a little sympathy from us."

"Sympathy? From us? Nuh uh," Mercedes hissed, clearly appalled.

"Yeah, all she's ever done is make our lives miserable," Added Quinn.

"She got exactly what she deserved."

Winona happily would have added her aggressive two cents if it weren't for her fear of coach Sylvester.

"You're lucky I left my blow-gun at home, Air-bags cause I got a clear shot at your nonnies."

"Coach Sylvester has had her recent setbacks but she is a proven champion. We could do worse than to have that winning record in our midst," Schuester continued.

"Mr. Schue, if you don't mind me asking, why are you suddenly on her side? You two have been enemies since day one," Winona questioned timidly.

"Let me break it down for you. I am no longer a threat to you people, alright?" Sue began, sounding relatively innocent, "I'm just hoping that your singing and dancing around will pull me out of my doldrums and give me a reason to live— Is that too much to ask?"

Everyone grew silent. That was kinda sad, but the glee club was very aware of how easily Sue could lie. Winona and Finn exchanged an uneasy look, shrugging— neither of them knew how to feel.

"Guys, it's settled. Sue's going to be with us for the week."

It was time to change the subject, Schuester reaching for an envelope that rested on the piano. "I know that we're facing Kurt and the Warblers at Regionals—"

"Sweet Porcelain," Mumbled Sue.

"—And it looks like this year, we face Aural Intensity again."

Mercedes sighed, "They cleaned our clock last year."

It seems that the governing board has assigned a theme to this year's Regionals and part of our score will be based on how we interpret it," Mr. Schue continued.

"Let's hope the theme doesn't suck," Winona whispered.

"This year's theme. . anthem. Now who can tell us who what an anthem is?"

"It's the bottom of an ant's pants," Brittany stated matter-of-factly.

"So close, so close, but no, an anthem is an epic song . . Filled with a ground-swell of emotion, that seems bigger than itself— even bigger than the person performing it."

"Well, if that isn't the vaguest thing I've ever heard," Winona complained, making Artie snicker.

Sam raised his hand, standing up, "Mr. Schue?"

"Oh, hey Sam. I didn't even notice your new haircut," Mr. Schue stated— not as an insult nor a compliment.

"Yeah, I've been looking at a new image for my one-man band, The Justin Bieber Experience."

"The what?" Winona questioned.

"The. . The Justin Bieber Experience," Sam said timidly, scratching the back of his neck.

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