sixty-one; dance with somebody

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— filler filler filler this is all filler i dont think theres ANY finnona here 😔

It was about time the glee club did a Whitney week. Especially now— as a way to celebrate her legacy, honour her memory, and appreciate her accomplishments. Winona was dead set on singing So Emotional. It was her all time favourite song of hers and it was definitely what she described as her comfort song.

"I claim So Emotional," Stated Santana as she walked down the hall with Winona, making the blonde shake her head.

"No way," Winona disagreed, "I'm singing that. I claimed it in the choir room this morning."

Out of nowhere, Rachel suddenly showed up beside them, beaming, "While I was going to song Whitney's version of the Star Spangled Banner— I just decided on So Emotional. So you're both out of luck, unless—"

"Unless we sing it as a trio," Winona finished for her, "I'm in."

After scoffing at the two pairs of puppy dog eyes the girls were sending her, Santana rolled her eyes and agreed.

And so when their time came to perform, the three of them stood confidently in the centre of the room. They'd performed in this spot a dozen times, and this kind of stuff didn't make them nervous anymore. While they danced around the room, their girlfriends (and boyfriend) were recording on their phones while hyping their partner up.

( — )

After the disaster that was Blaine's tribute to his boyfriend in glee club— It's Not Right, But it's Okay, Winona and Santana were talking about it in the hall. The cheerio was going through her locker with Winnie, taking in the fact that they would be leaving this place in mere months.

Out of nowhere, Rachel showed up beside them, smiling, "You know, you can learn a lot
about a person by looking into their locker."

"Are you stalking us?" Queried Winona.

"You know we blew it, right? We wasted three years going at each other's throats when we could have been singing together, killing it in Glee Club."

"I didn't hate Winona—" Santana began

"But," Rachel countered, "both of you hated me."

"Sorry," Uttered Winona, "But yeah, our duet in Glee was a whole truckload of awesome."

Santana nodded in agreement, "And who cares that it took three years? I mean, we still have plenty of time to do it again."

"We have 42 days left until graduation. Half of that's gonna be prepping for Nationals."

"That was it?" Winona looked at Rachel with a frown.

"Oh, crap," Santana whined, "I think I just realized gonna miss you. Oh, God, say something irritating so I can get the taste of this out of my head, please."

"It's okay. Look, Santana— you went out of your way to make my life a living hell, and Winona— we were fighting over some boy for years; but at the end of the day, I know that you both respect my talent and my ambition."

"I like it when you sing, Rachel," Winona complimented.

"And hey, you're the only other person at this school besides me who's willing to kill their best friend to get to the top."

Winona cocked a brow at Santana, but didn't disagree— they would both totally do that.

"Yeah," Rachel trailed off, reaching into her pocket, "Will you do me a favor? Will you both put these up in your locker?"

Taking the photo, Winona and Santana shared different reactions, "You want me to put up a picture of you in my locker?"

"Sure," Winona said without hesitation.

"Okay, we may not be able to sing together,
but we have 42 days left to at least be friends. We'd be an unstoppable trio."

Santana's mind shifted to the unholy trinity, Winona's mind going to the dream trio. Still, they appreciated the offer to be in this newer trio.

"I'm gonna give you guys a hug," Rachel stated, leaning to Santana first, "It'll be quick." She then outstretched her arms for Winona and hugged.

"I'll see you two in Glee Club."

( — )

Winona stood at her locker, making room for the small photo of Rachel. While they were at each others throats for years over petty things like the spotlight, or boys— maybe it could all be different now.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Is that Winona Watts. . putting up a photo of Rachel in her locker?" Asked Puck, grinning as he approached the girl.

"Yeah, I know. Crazy, right?" She replied, straightening the photo and closing the locker door, "We don't talk much, so I assume you need something?"

It was only then that she noticed his arm behind his back, hiding something. She hoped it wasn't a slushee or something, almost flinching when he presented it to her. It was a little pink gift bag, which made Winona furrow her brows.

"What's that?"

"A parting gift. They were supposed to be just for the bros, but you're the pretty much only glee girl I haven't slept with— so you're practically a bro."

Winona narrowed her eyes, reluctantly taking the small bag from him as he went on, "The clock's ticking, the time's coming when we're all gonna have to say adios. I want to make sure you remember all the broments that we had together. Like. . when you would use me as a headrest, or when you and I did the tango at Rachel's party, or. ."

"I get it, Puck," She said quick, embarrassed by the memory of the pair sloppily dancing around the room at Rachel's junior year party. Winona reached into the bag and pulled put a shot glass that read 'Vaginas are awesome'

"Why does it say. . that?"

"I stole it from one of the houses I clean pools at— you slept with Santana so I thought it suited you," He mused with a grin, making Winona cock a brow. Still, she outstretched her arms for a hug.

"Thanks a lot, Puck. Believe it or not, I am gonna miss you."

After patting his back, Winona broke the hug and placed the goodie bag safely in her locker.

— the shot glass is real i hope u all enjoy

— the shot glass is real i hope u all enjoy

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