"I hope you could ensure my son's safety."

That was Baron Faremanne's suggestion.

He must've been well aware of 'that fact', which was discrimination.

It was well-known among many that I praised Aiden's skills in swordsmanship as something that could exceed the abilities of the personal bodyguard that was supposed to get appointed to me by the Duke.

Despite that, the Baron chose to accept my offer with a condition, and it was good to know that I got his approval.

To him, it must've been an honor or a great opportunity to have his son get connected to the Shevaria Family, though he needed to part ways with his child. And as for me, I was assured to think that I finally got a person that I could trust in the mansion.

Not to mention, I needed to get the approval as soon as possible from the Baron, since it would've been troublesome if the servants didn't deliver the letter of invitation to him. It wouldn't have been long until they come to understand that I don't have the Duke's favor anymore that time, after all.

Of course, I agreed with the Baron's condition. And as a result, Aiden and I often accompanied each other for that reason.

Even still, I allowed the Baron and the Baroness to visit their child whenever they wanted to. Providing them that much wouldn't have been much of a big deal. And looking at their worried expressions toward Aiden, it was rather hard to forbid them from meeting each other. Though, it's not like I was against their reunion either.

It's true that my family relations weren't as good as theirs, and I dare not deny that I envied them. Nevertheless, I'm not the kind of person that would break others' happy family for a reason like that.

Ugh... I kinda wanna give Aiden an apology....... I thought, out of the blue.

Aiden was supposed to be man with a successful future. But right here right now, he's working as my bodyguard. As such, I felt like I took away the bright future that awaited him.

I should take responsibility for this...!! I concluded.

"Right, what did you wanted to say earlier?", I asked after I stopped petting Aiden's head.

"I was about to tell milady a proposal."

"I see. Would you mind saying it?"

"O-of course, Lady She-... Lady Melissa."

I was undoubtedly bothered by the same mistake that he made. But, I easily let this pass since the way that he gets flustered at times was very amusing and adorable to see.

"How about we visit Mentor again?", he suggested, then I replied.

"Ohh, for sword training? Ah-"

I paused then looked back at the guard nearby, with a sweat falling down the side of my face.

While I warily watched the guard, a question mark popped out of his head.

I let out a sigh of relief after gazing at the person.

"W-We'll excuse ourselves then.", I said with an awkward smile as I pushed Aiden's back, moving our feet.

Soon after we moved away from the place, we stopped and began to murmur to each other carefully.

"I'm sorry, Lady Melissa..."

Ah... He got it right. No- that's not the point right now!

"Make sure to be careful next time, okay?", I advised instead of giving him a scolding.

Thereafter, Aiden gave me a response with a nod.

I smiled at him as I watched how many centimeters he have grown. That way, I felt like I have become an elder sister. And at the same time, I was reminded of various things.

Four years... Yes. Four years have passed ever since that night. By now, I have grown with a body that is a lot stronger than before. Though my strength was still limited because I was only twelve years old, at least, it progressed much better than when I was younger.

And as for the treatment that I got these past few years, till now...

It was just as I predicted of how it would be.

The gazes that were drenched with cockiness, and the sinister on their faces followed by words that were meant for an outsider that they see as an eyesore, instead of a master.

It has completely gone back to how it was supposed to be. Frankly, rather than feeling terrible about that, the uneasiness drifted away.

I've always felt uncomfortable and disgusted seeing them all acting nice and respectful to me ever since I went back in time. To the point that the thick layer of their masks often made me want to bully them just to expose their true nature, for fun.

Looking at them having an attitude like that again made me feel a lot better. They were all too thick-skinned before. And I frequently praised myself for being able to endure to not give them a beating just to fix that problem.

Well, I might've said before that I would let those ones that offended me suffer for what they did to me. But lately, I began to think that I'd just let the others that committed only cheap tricks pass, out of laziness and mercy.

Why mercy, you ask? Because, a snake's bite is too venomous and painful than you think it is.

When I get too annoyed of them, who knows whether they'd get dropped dead or not. And I kind of don't want to be seen as someone extreme, if I am not too late to say this.

(Furthermore, in my case, one wrong move and I might end up killing them for real.)

But, I might end up using violence against those that offended me the most.

Ahh... How I wish to see their suffering faces as soon as possible.~ I thought, sadistically.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now