38 | Prayers

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38. prayers

[a/n]: I usually don't put these in the beginning, (there's one at the end ;)) but I didn't want to say this: I don't practice Hinduism but one of my characters does. So for this chapter, I did a lot of research in order to portray the character as well as I could and the religion she practices. BUT if I had gotten anything wrong, it would be amazing if someone could call me out on it. I want to make sure that what I represented was true to itself. Alright, you can start now.

Keegan's knuckles rapped against the hard wooden door of a split-level home as the sun began to set, shifting our hot summer day into a cool peaceful night.

Grey boulders layered the lowest half of the exterior walls while the rest was the color of the sky on a warm sunny day; light blue. An old but well-cared-for Cadillac was parked in the well-paved driveway With a fresh new coat of red paint, the car completed the modern but homey look of the outside. The lawn was a lush green hue. Elegant dandelions ran amok the yard, free from any opposing weeds. Hard work intertwined with love and care radiated around us.

"Are you sure they'll like some red wine?" I whispered to Keegan as we waited for the door to open. Cold water soaked my hand as I held the polished bottle.

"Red wine is Adam's shortcoming. He loves that as much as he loves his wife. Just make sure not to mention that to her," Keegan smiles at me before he studies me and frowns, "what's wrong?"

"Nothing." I shake my head, keeping my eyes on the door.

Keegan doesn't say a word, instead, he just reaches out and grabs my hand, lacing ours together. He squeezes it.

I was going to say something but the door opened to reveal an older woman.

Long black hair speckled with simple grey strains rolled down her shoulders in simple but glorious waves, her brown skin matched her brown eyes as she smiled at us.

"Keegan," she held out her arms prompting Keegan to hug her, which he did.

"How are you doing, Mrs. Murphy?" He pulled away from her arms and she whacked him in the back of his head, "how many times do I have to tell you, Keegan, call me Jaya."

She shook her head in disappointment as Keegan rubbed his neck, his cheeks staining a bright pink, "sorry."

Her eyes left Keegan and she looked at me, a smile growing on her lips. She moved towards me with grace, her eyes bright with excitement. "You're Sutton, aren't you? I've heard so many things about you," she pulled me into a welcoming hug and I hugged her back. She smelt of lavender and unique spices.

"All good things I hope," I smiled.

"Of course," she released me before noticing, "oh, red wine," she stole a glance at Keegan with a smirk on her face before leaning towards me and whispering, "you're trying to win over my husband, huh? I see you guys." She winked at me before moving towards the open door. "Now come on in, you guys might run all of the cool air out of the house. Also, Sutton, sweetheart, you can call me Jaya."

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