47 | The Devil Works Harder

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47. the devil works harder

Her body vibrated softly underneath the seat of her Uber. She took a glance at the glossiness of her newly manicured hands as she ignored the heat from the stolen glances the Uber driver was giving her.

An average man with skinny round glasses and a subpar smile, waved at Atlas through the rearview mirror when she took look at the traffic ahead of them. The cars of Seattle loved to be held up. "Honk, honk, honk," they screamed around us.

Atlas felt her sunglasses slip down the bridge of her nose. Pushing them up with a simple finger, she waved towards the man, a sinister smirk gracing her lips.

She crossed her legs before tilting her head to the side.

The man cleared his throat, straightening up his shirt. Atlas almost laughed. He's getting himself ready to talk to me. Predictable.

"So... where you going, ma'am?" His lips moved quickly, rushing over his words.

Atlas swiped her finger against the indents in the car's seats and felt the steady crumbs brush against her middle finger. You can always tell how is a person is by the conditions of their items. She cringed in disgust.

"I'm going to go visit my brother."

"Really?" He's faking interest, "well, is this your first time in Seattle?"

The more he digs, the less he gains.

"More or less," She answered him, praying that when this traffic disappears, she can do what she came here to do, and leave this godforsaken state. Atlas rarely prays, "I'm just visiting. Not staying long."

"Oh, well, welcome to the Emerald City."

Atlas vaguely watched as the man cringed ahead of her and she fought a laugh. It's fun to watch men get flustered.

Adding onto her amusement and his obvious boner, she graced her hand down her waist to the end of the designer dress I wore. Atlas began to gently stroke the material, raising it one inch at a time until it reached the edge of her thighs. She could see the man's chest pant up and down like a dog in the heat. Atlas smirked.

"Thanks, sir," she straightened up her clothes, "but I think I'll walk now." And she opened the door, stepping out of the car.

Throwing a 50 dollar bill at him, she winked, "keep the tip."

Atlas heard him call out something behind her but she didn't give a shit. She moved towards another lane that was beginning to move before finding an empty taxi and hopping into it. "Take me to the 4 Seasons please." She called out to the old, fat taxi driver. He grunted in response as he turned on his taxi light and began to drive.

Traffic had begun to move on this lane so it didn't take long for her to arrive at the hotel.

Atlas stepped out of the car, not before passing the taxi driver a hundred and keeping it pushing.

Dirty Sheets (Sheets Trilogy: Book One)Where stories live. Discover now