21 | Torrid Destruction

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21. torrid destruction

It started with a bottle then it flared into a hysterical, violent passion. His mind became lost in the shadows of his doubt and lies, strangling him in a furious sea of bleak ebony liquid. He clawed at the top of the water endlessly. A gasp of struggle and terror left his lips as the filthy salt muck bled into his lungs, raging in fervent hatred, ripping apart his soul into shreds of nothing.

The brush slashed against the blank canvas in fury as the images of his past flashed into his mind.

The heavy footsteps pounding against hardwood floor made the closet shutter in brutal intensity. The fragile boy coiled his body in, hugging his knees into his chest as he prayed for surrounding clothes to protect him from the nightmare outside. He placed his hand over his mouth, a tactic his mommy desperately taught him.

"Silas..." the voice grumbled lovingly in efforts of coaxing the small child out of his hiding spot but Silas knew better. The only prize in this game of Hiding and Seek meant purple with yellow blotches on his ghostly skin like an infectious disease.

"Please, Lawerence, stop it. He's just a boy." Another voice plead. Sweet and delicate, the person's sound faded against the exhaustion and sadness that bleed through them.

"Get the fuck off me, woman!" The harsh voice growled before the sound of a person hitting the thin walls erupted around the small house and a weak grunt was all that was left.

The heavy footsteps had gotten closer and that was when the little boy realized that there was no one left to save him. Not his hiding spot or the beautiful voice; nothing was going to stop the darkness.

The closet door slammed open.

The newly changed man stood before the canvas, his eyes seal tightly. He allowed his sanity to take him away, to reward him with a simple escape from the reality which plagued his mind. Until he heard the buzzing of the phone against his bedside table. Something so simple and easy but worldly forgotten. His was turned off, but hers? It was turned on.

He stumbled into the apartment, drunk on a hangover that threatened to kill him but he loved it that way. It pumped his blood, reminding him of his humanity of which he'd forgotten often.

He pushed his hand against the wall, propelling himself towards the kitchen island as his head pounded mercilessly. He called out her name in pain as he began to rummage the cabinets for some painkillers, he'd forgotten where they were. The room was silent.

He yelled her name again, this time louder as he found the bottle of tiny pills which would slaughter the agony he was enduring. Unfasten the cap with a hard twist, the capsules fell onto the countertop. He grabbed two of the thin tablets and plopped them between his cracked lips into his withered mouth before swallowing.

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