09 | Judgement

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09. judgement

I slip the beautiful emerald dress off my head and sigh in exhaustion.

"This won't work," I tell Dakota and Harlowe who stood outside for dressing room door.

After the horrible dinner with his parents, first thing on Monday, Keegan gave me a wad of cash and told me to shop for a new dress for the banquet. He said that this was a business affair, more than anything and this will be our big chance at coming out as a couple.

I'm pretty sure if it was this big, he would have had me go shopping with his sister, but after the stunt, she pulled that night, she's out of the window. I don't what's wrong with her. With my siblings, although we don't like each other, we're still there. Proud and happy for each other, no matter what. I'm might be naive as fuck when I say this but I thought every sibling was like that.

Dakota growled, "ugh. Did you bring us to the mall just so you can bitch about outfits?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes in amusement before Harlowe spoke as she handed me more dresses to try through the crack of the door. "I think this is fun."

"Of course you do, Har. You're all 'go lucky' and 'the world's bright with rainbows and unicorns'," I could feel the eye roll from here.

Harlowe scoffed as I placed the new stack of dresses next to the ones I've already tried on. I picked up the already tried dresses and lifted them over the large crack above the dressing room door. I feel Harlowe's hands grab them from me before she laughs. "Because someone has to be the optimistic one here. If I wasn't, everything would be depressing."

"Truthfully." Dakota agrees as I slip another dress over my head. "So Sutton, what's the plan with you and Trust Fund Kid?" She asks and before I have something to respond, she comments, "you know when you came to us about Silas, I distinctly remember telling you to 'suck it up and move on', not find another guy and come up with this bullshit elaborate plan which you know will go all Hiroshima on your ass before you know it."

"Dakota, don't!" Harlowe scolded, irritation seeping from her lips.

"What? Am I wrong?"

"I never said that you were, but as Sutton's friends we have to support her, even if she's signing for her own death." Harlowe explains calmly.

I roll my eyes. Death and Hiroshima, my ass. They don't know shit. "We have a plan, Dakota, it's good and it helps both of us. He gets his end of the deal and so do I. And you said to move on, which I'm doing... after I make Silas feel like the piece of shit he is." I check myself out in the mirror. I think I like this dress. It was sexy tulle, deep v-neck, long dress with an open back and a slit that ran up to my thigh.

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