37 | Once and For All

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37. once and for all

Her eyes examined the yellow light as it bounced off her light pink manicured nails. A shine appeared in them which obviously destructed from the tension in the room.

With vast ceilings adorned with unique touches of patterns and spirals and a lanky table which sat in the middle of the room, the Meeting Room sat twelve powerful old men. The exact powerful old men who bestowed their wealth into the company her family built.

The men's skin sagged, crinkling in different places that made Atlas cringe. Their jaws integrated with their fat necks. Years of shit-talking, overspending, and sitting on their asses shaped their bodies into a slug, rolls on top of rolls. A selected few appeared as if death was knocking on their door, asking for their life. Atlas could recommend a skincare, exercise, and detox regimen which works wonders on a person, but she knew that would prove futile.

She watched intensely from the sidelines as the men began to talk among themselves, their small minds accommodating their large pockets.

Whilst the Board of Directors tried to their ability to come across as valuable, Atlas knew the truth. The company didn't need them. The company's growth has increased by over 24% since the last year. The profits were well intertwined with the rising markets for electronics causing their stocks to rise. Money was accumulating. Their net worth had risen. Their shareholders were more than satisfied. And the companies affairs have been placed in order for years. Anyone would know these things by reading the reports— and Atlas always read the reports.

A pitch of guilt rose through her in a rush, she knew what they were here for, and as much as she didn't support it, the world had to go around and there were sides to be taken. The predator, or the prey. And she was already on the line just for a comment she made about the stocks, earlier today during the drive here.

Dressed in a well-pressed suit, he walked into the nearly empty room. With powerful strides, he moved towards the head of the table. Satisfaction seeped from him, just as it did in the limousine, but now, it was sharper, more dominant. The sickening Manila envelope clutched to his side crinkled against his tight grasp revealing his excitement.

He scanned the room, a smirk threatened to break through his cold-blooded facade as he realized that the audience he hosted could be useful to him.

Atlas pressed herself into the wall she stood in front of, hoping that the great spark about to transpire wouldn't touch her.

"Gentlemen, shall we start this meeting?" The man up front implored politely but everyone knew that it wasn't a question at all, neither was it a request. It was an order.

All of the aged investors, who happened to halt their conversations, turned towards the nightmare ahead of them and stared at their host with idolizing eyes of loyalty and fondness.

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