23 | Meraki

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23. meraki

"So where the fuck is Trust Fund Kid or are we gonna have to wait here forever?" The complaint oozed out of Dakota's lips like a calm river; effortless and slow. The ball of her foot thumped steadily against the cream tile floor, revealing her irritation which she tried to hide with her calm demeanor as she ran a hand down her black hair, smoothing out the sides.

"I told him to meet us here at 11 and it's 10:45," I told her as I swiped through the apps of my phone wishing that time would speed up. On the outside, I was cool and collected, but inside, my heart wouldn't stop racing. To hell with feelings, they suck ass.

"15 minutes early is on time." Harlowe chimed in.

"Don't encourage her." I shook my head in disappointment.

"Look at that, even Blondie agrees with me." Dakota waved a hand towards the girl sitting next to her at the round table who shot her a look of dismay. If looks could kill.

"I told him 11."

"Well, he's late for my standards," Dakota said and I rolled my eyes. She'll do anything to not like him, she'll do anything to not like anybody.

"I think he's just following what Sutton says." And like always, Harlowe is the peak of optimism in the group.

"Speaking of what Sutton says," Dakota scoots her chair against the tile floor closer to mine which only means one word: fuck. "You texted all of us EXCEPT for the other member of our group. Why's that?"

I've been fucking dreading this question since the day I decided to only invite 2 instead of 3 people here. I've been basically ignoring the hell out of my roommate but I wouldn't let the girls know that. For all they know, I'm still up his ass and this whole meeting is part of the plan to make Silas jealous, NOT because Keegan wanted to meet my friends. I shrug, "he's already met him."

Dakota slumps back into her chair with a concentrated frown on her face. "Alright but I still think that this plan is idiotic. It's like the calm before the storm. Scary shit."

"Echos of a swan song." Harlowe chimes in.

"Exactly," Dakota jabs a finger at the blonde hair girl. "The earthquake that starts the goddamn tsunami. Everybody drowns."

"Remind me, when did you guys become fucking philosophers?" I sneer but it doesn't phase them. They're used to it.

"Oh, you know, over the years when we started to realize that we were going to have to be the ones to always talk you out of your dumb shit when we're older." Dakota shrugged.

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