26 | Gloves

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26. gloves

I stood in front of the Beauguard's mansion again a couple of days after the party. After being dropped off by Keegan's chauffeur, Adam I couldn't help but stand at the door like an idiot. I didn't know what to bring or anything so I made brownies. Not the made-from-scratch shit, nope, it's from the box. Nothing but the finest cuisine from nothing other than myself.

I straighten out my black and white laced-up polka dot dress before finding the right amount of goddamn courage to stride over towards the massive wooden doors and knock.

They were opened by a familiar old butler who's looked like he's seen better days but still managed to smile. "William, hello."

"Sutton Olivers, what brings me the pleasure of your arrival?" A smirk spreads across his face as he holds the door open for me. I walk in, my flats hitting the floor softly.

"Garden party thingy." I shrug, the container of brownies held out in front of me.

"And what's that?" He jabs a finger towards the container, hunger pooling in his eyes.

"Oh no," I shake my head, "I distinctly remember Keegan telling me about your high blood pressure." I cock an eyebrow and the older man frowns.

"Damn that child! I knew I should have clipped his mouth shut when I had the chance."

"Well, that's the most fun sentence I've ever waltzed myself into." Dark brown hair framed his face as he peered at me with his mysterious green eyes closed charm dripped from him like a fountain.

"Tripp Malice. Now shouldn't you be at the party, discussing plants with the ladies." William closes the doors behind him.

"Would love to, you poor bastard but who would keep you company and welcome our guests?" Tripp chuckles, his eyes beaming in an unknowingly drunken joy.

"Are you sober, boy?" William narrows his eyes at the man in front of him, his voice condescending and, dare I say, concerned but Tripp either doesn't notice it or ignores it because he walks over towards the old man before resting his arm across his shoulder. His head leans on the older man's. For a large personality, Tripp adds onto it with his height, almost making the tallest man in the room, except when he's standing next to Keegan. So to see a man lay his head in the shorter old man's would make anyone fight to keep composure. I'm chuckling.

"Get off of me, you toothpick." William pushes the younger man off of him with the strength of his palms and Tripp falls back, laughing.

Dirty Sheets (Sheets Trilogy: Book One)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara