31 | Plot Kisses

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31. plot kisses

He bit lip before giving me a slow and sexy smile. The cool breeze flew through my soaked sundress and his air causing both of them to flow in the air. He threw the green water balloon up in the air before he caught it. "What, firecracker? Can't take the heat?"

I cocked my head before slowly walking behind me. Before Keegan could even realize, I knew he had given me the upper hand in this situation. I knew this backyard. I grew up in it. It's laid out in my mind so well, I could close my eyes and still know where I was and where each tree was. So when he hit me, he got me near the extremely vibrant emerald hose which was latched onto the back of the house.

So when I picked up the snake-like item, the look of pure hell rose on Keegan's face. I reached behind me. My hand flew towards the lever, palming for a couple of beats before gripping it tightly. I quickly remembered the turning method "righty tighty, lefty loosey" and turned the nozzle to the left before positioning my weapon onto my target.

He brought his hands up, "Sutton. Hey, Sutton, we're partners, remember? You wouldn't shoot your partner, would you?"

Really? He wants to call a truce now. Where was that truce when he pummeled me with a water balloon. Now he wants to be partners. Coward.

I raised an eyebrow before taking a step towards him, "partners?"

He nodded frantically, "yes."




And that's all it took for me to pull the trigger and began spraying him with his own weapon, water. A thousand drops of freezing water shot out, shocking the man ahead of me. The water balloon in his hand dropped onto the ground as he pushed his hands in front of him in hopes of blocking the intense spray cloaking his body. Laughter fell around us but I ignore it and focused on my target until a water balloon from somewhere else hit me in the side.

I gasped and dropped the hose onto the ground. The water had stopped leaving and Keegan soaked. My mind swirls as I peer at him for a second. Water dripped down his hair softly, darkening its color as the drops slowly cascaded to his body. His shirt stuck to his chest, revealing his well-defined, and obviously worked out body. He grabbed the edge of his shirt, pulling the flimsy fabric up to his face, unknowingly revealing his toned stomach before wiping off his face.

I turned towards the direction of the culprit of the other water balloon thrown at me.

"Freya," I shook my head, scoffing softly, "you're picking sides."

"I'm protecting Keegan." She tilts her head towards the soaked man ahead of me who smirks gladly.

"I'm your sister, though." I raise my arms up in disbelief.

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