What Lies Ahead Chapter 1

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I wake up to one of the twin's cry around every two hours, which wakes the other twin up. Ricky helps out a lot by bottle feeding the twin that I'm not breastfeeding.

"What time is it?" I ask Ricky as he is bottle feeding Leon.

"6 A.M," he yawns.

We quickly get them to sleep and hop in bed for just a few more hours of sleep.

"You and your babies are being discharged today. You can pack your stuff up and leave. Good luck," the nurse gives me a smile.

I grin and we put the babies into their car seats. We carry them out to the car and strap them in.

"Make sure you strap Chloe in good," Ricky says.

I roll my eyes and get in the front seat.

"We finally get to take our babies home!" Ricky smiles.

"I'm nervous and excited," I smile as Ricky pulls out of the parking lot.

"You've got me, so don't worry," Ricky kisses my cheek.

We pull up at our house a little bit later and I grab Leon's car seat and his diaper bag. Ricky grabs Chloe's car seat and her diaper bag. We take them inside and I slowly take Leon out of his car seat. I give him a kiss on his forehead and set him down in his crib. Ricky does the same with Chloe.

"I'm hungry," I rub my almost flat belly.

"What would you like?" Ricky smiles.

"Can we order pizza?" I ask.

"Anything for you," he grins.

Ricky picks up the phone and calls Papa John's. The pizza arrives quickly and I eat while I can. Soon I hear the cries of my beautiful babies. Ricky and I get up and we feed both of them before putting them back to bed.

The first night home was rough. We barely got any sleep at all.

"I'm so tired," Ricky yawns the next morning.

"Me too," I rub my eyes.

Ricky kisses my cheek and I look at the time. It's 8 in the morning. We just fed the kids and got them back to sleep.

"I'll take care of the kids for awhile. You get some sleep," Ricky grins.

"Are there enough bottles?" I ask.

"Yes there's enough," he grins.

I kiss him a lay down. It doesn't even take me 5 minutes to fall into a much needed sleep.

I wake up some odd hours later and check the time. Noon.

"Good afternoon lovely," Ricky hugs me.

"How are the kids doing?" I ask.

"They're fine. I made you some gravy biscuits and bacon," he grins.

"Yummy!" I jump up and walk into the kitchen.

I fix myself a biscuit and pour gravy all over it. Ricky gets one too.

"Ezra is coming over soon to see the babies," Ricky says.

"A lot of people will probably be visiting the next few days," I inform him.

I hear Chloe start to cry. I quickly grab her so she doesn't wake Leon up. I feed her and rock her back to sleep. Leon opens his eyes and smiles at me. I try to feed him and he eats, then I quickly put him back to sleep.

I walk into the kitchen to see Ricky and Ezra.

"I didn't know you were here," I smile.

"I couldn't yell because of the babies," he chuckles.

"Of course," I giggle.

"Can I hold one of them?" he smiles.

Ricky and I walk into the babies room and I grab Chloe and he grabs Leon.

"Which one?" I ask Ezra as we walk into the living room.

"Chloe," he smiles.

I give Chloe to him and I take Leon from Ricky so he can wash clothes. I kiss Leon's forehead. Leon opens his eyes and smiles.

"Chloe is beautiful," Ezra grins.

Chloe opens her eyes and smiles.

"They both have your green eyes," I smile at Ricky.

Leon looks just like Ricky, but Chloe has more of her mommy's features.

"Chloe is gorgeous like you," Ricky smiles.

Ezra and I switch babies and he holds Leon.

"I can't wait until they get bigger so I can play with them," Ezra smiles.

"Goodnight Ricky," I grin, as we lay in bed.

"Goodnight angel," he kisses my cheek.

Two hours later I'm awoken by a sharp cry. I get up and feed Chloe, noticing that Ricky left some of the milk out, again!

"Ricky," I shake him after I get Chloe back to sleep.

"What?" he groans.

"You left the milk out again," I say.

"So?" he grunts.

"So, stop leaving it out!" I say.

"It's an ounce of milk just shut up!" he says.

"Excuse you?!" I say.

"If you're gonna complain that I'm trying my best to take care of my kids then I'll just leave," he gets up.

"I'm sorry. Please don't go. I'm new to this just like you are," I say.

He packs a bag full of clothes and angrily leaves, without answering me. Both twins start to cry as soon as Ricky slams the door. I can't help but let a few tears slip down my cheek. Why did he have to slam the door and wake up the kids? I give Chloe a pacifier and stick my finger in the pacifier hole while I feed Leon.

That night was crazy. I changed Leon and Chloe's diaper about three  times each. They wouldn't stop crying, and I had no help from Ricky at all. I barely got any sleep.

"Chloe Grace go to sleep," I say to Chloe as I rock her in the rocking chair.

She just ate. I look at her and her eyes slowly shut. I kiss her forehead and set her down in her crib.

My phone rings and I pick it up.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hey Jo," I hear Luke's voice.

"Hey Luke," I say.

"Can I come see my niece and nephew?" he asks.

"Come over," I smile.

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