6. Dear Tree: Before the Storm

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' ding dong' Oh! Maybe they finally arrived. Aaaaaaaaa. I am spook nervous

"Hey son, missed us?"

Wow I really am meeting a lot of people today.

××××××××××××××××《WE CONTINUE》××××××××××××××××

I saw my parents wearing normal cloths. Maybe they are just bout to get ready then we go. And also I did NOT miss them. "Well son we have to tell u something." mom said. "what is it?" " the dinner got postponed to tomorrow 8pm so we are NOT going today but TOMORROW at 7pm, cause the dinner starts at 8pm and the place is far!!"

Are they FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK.!?!?!?!?!?!? I canceled the meeting to my precious friends' house and they are telling me that I have to go tomorrow to the dinner. No way. I am still going to my friends house no matter what. THey are my ONLY fucking friends, it was the first time being called to go to a friend's house for me!! I can't miss that. I WILL protest.

"MOM WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? I HAD TO GO TO A FRIENDS HOUSE TODAY, BUT BECAUSE OF THIS SHITTY MEETING I CANCELED IT. NOW UR FUCKING TELLING ME THAT THE DAMN MEETIN'S TOMORROW, WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" "KIM NAMJOON FUCKING BEHAVE YOURSELF AND DON'T YOU DARE CURSE ON US. NOW GO TO YOUR DAMN ROOM. " " and anyways how the hell does a bitch like YOU has friends now. They are probably one of those fake friends of yours. " My dad said. How does HE dare to say that. They are really not my parents. They will always say these kind of things about me. I HATE them. 

They didn't even care giving me food. Luckly I am not even hungry. It's always like this. I never get along with my parents. We don't care about each other at all. I still can't believe that we are not going there anymore, life really sucks for  me. But what if dad was actully right and my friends are not actually my friends. By friends I mean my crushes, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung. Yup. It's official now, that I have a crush on them. I feel like I have butterflies when I think about them or see them. It's the same for Kim Soekjin. Even if he had a mask, he still looked soooooo handsome. I don't know why I talking like a girl right now. But seriously even for Soekjin, i feel the same, like butterflies and stuff. I never got attracted to anyone, idk how in the world these feeling are coming to me now at this time. 

I went back to my room and changed quickly. Huh, it was a damn, tiring day. I then checked the time and it was 7:30pm. Wait, i think i have a idea.  Why not i jump off my window and then go to the forest and visit the tree i last time visted. I know it's the dumbest idea i have ever had, but like the forest closes at 10pm and then I can go tell the staff that I am camping there, so if I sleep or something then i will not have to worry about paying fine. Anyways, my parents will not care if i am not in my room or something, they will be happy instead that I am not alive anymore. After I will finish the stuff I will come back home and then just do the normal shit. 

I finally decided what i have to do, then i started backing stuff in a little bag for the night. Last time i was not prepared, so this time i will not do the same mistake. I brought a flashlight, powerbank cause just in case my phone got discharged, blanket if i fell asleep, money of course for paying there, Air pods for listening to music, jacket in case if it gets too cold out there. It's like i am preparing for an adventure. lol. I don't know but i like talking to that tree, it feels like I am talking to a human. Anyways, i am now ready to go. 

I jumped of the window in my room, to outside. It was a bit cold so that's good that i brought a jacket with me. Idk why but I feel nervouse. Idk if anyone has actually seen that tree. That tree looked magical including the forest. Maybe I went preeeety deep, so that's why. Honestly idk. I also am still not sure about the dream I had in the forest. I don't know but like when I met Soekjin, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung, they kind of looked familiar. Maybe I am just imagining stuff. Anyways, the men in my dream were all blury so probably all this shit does NOT have a meaning. Btw, right now i am walking to the park where the forest is. 

Dear Tree BTS x Namjoon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now