Chapter 27

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Someday my memories may fade...and your voice, your actions, your name, I might forget them all as well but I will always remember that I loved you.


At night, Aramide tried to sleep but she kept remembering the kiss between her and King. She grunted in annoyance and looked up at the ceiling.

Why is King doing this? why is he...was he like flirting with me? But why? Aramide thought confused. She turned to the side. I don't think I can forget that kiss. It was...the best kiss I have ever had even if I don't want to admit it.

Aramide heaved a big sigh and closed her eyes. Don't think too much Ara, don't. Aramide told herself and fell asleep.

The next day at the audition building, Aramide arrived and saw Chris and everyone else there. Aramide looked happy to see Chris. She skipped to him and shoved his shoulders playfully.

Chris looked at her surprised and she hugged him. Chris grinned pleased, “wow, did you miss me that much?”

Aramide laughed and typed on her phone. I guess so. How is your ankle?.

“It is better now. I am ready to practice” Chris said. King stood at the door and watched them. “I saw your performance with King, it was impressive. I am proud of you” Chris said.

Aramide smiled. She turned her head to the door and saw King. The smile on her face wiped away and the memory of the kiss comes to mind. Aramide looked away sheepishly and King smirked smugly.

Team Sapphire practiced their routine and decided on their song. “Okay, who is going to give King the song we will play?” Mustapha asked.

As soon he said it everyone suddenly stepped back, leaving Aramide in the middle. Aramide narrowed her eyes at their cowardice. Really?! Aramide thought. Is he that scary?

“Thanks for volunteering Ara” Lola grinned and patted Aramide in the back. Aramide glared at them but took the file and left.

She walked to King's office to drop the file but saw King and Eva locked in a passionate kiss. Somehow, that hurt her and she felt a constricting pain that stops her from moving any further. Her feet were frozen in place.

He is kissing her the way he kissed you. Her inner voice told her. She shook her head and looked up determined. No, I shouldn't be feeling this. Why do I feel so disappointed and hurt? It's wrong.

King noticed Aramide standing at the door lost in her own thoughts and pushed Eva off him roughly. Eva looked at him surprised but he only looked at Aramide.

“Were you planning on coming in or are you just going to stand there?” King said, gaining Aramide's attention. Eva glared at Aramide and walked away, shoving Aramide in the process.

Aramide glared at her back. Okay, that is becoming very annoying.

“Aww, jealous?” King smirked.

Yeah, right. Aramide typed, rolling her eyes and dropped the file. She walked away leaving King staring at her.

Later, at the end of practice. Chris and Aramide are the only ones left in the training room. “Ara, just want to check if my offer to take you out is still available” Chris asked.

Aramide nodded politely and typed on her phone. Of course, when should we meet?.

“How about this Wednesday?” Chris suggested.

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