Chapter 25

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Dedicated to @Kemmzy98 and everyone else who read and voted.

Beauty attracts the eyes but personality captures the heart.



Aramide and King pulled away and turned to see Shalom. Shalom stared at King and Aramide surprised and concerned. Aramide looked relieved to see her and wiped her tears. She ran to Shalom and Shalom hugged her.

Aramide pulled away after a while and Shalom asked, “Where is he?”

“He is in the operation theatre” King answered for Aramide. Aramide and Shalom sat down and talked. 30 minutes later, the doctor came out of the operation theatre.

“He is out of danger but he might stay unconscious for a while. You can stay the night if you want to.” the doctor said.

“Okay, thank you” Shalom said gratefully. The doctor nodded and walked away.

I will stay the night. Aramide typed.

“Okay but you have to eat. You look so pale, I will get you something” Shalom said worried. She took a good look at Aramide’s face before she walked away.

Aramide sat there staring bin to space for a while before she noticed King staring at her. She walked to him and typed on her phone. Thank you for bringing me here but you should go. You need to rest.

“I know but I don't want to go” King said nonchalantly.

What are you waiting for? Just go home, I appreciate your help but please leave. Aramide typed. King stared at Aramide’s face, urging him to leave and he looked offended. He nodded stiffly and walked away in silence. He passed by Shalom.

“King?” she followed him but King ignored her. She stopped and turned to Aramide. “What happened? What did you do too?”

I told him to leave, that his help wasn't needed. Aramide typed, looking tired and convinced she did the right thing.

Outside, King walked to his car and wanted to open the door but can't. He thought about Aramide.

‘Why can't I stop thinking about her? She doesn't need me, she made that very clear’ he thought sourly, ‘but why do I want to be there? She can't talk, what if she needs my help?’

King stood in the parking look, trying to rearrange his conflicting thoughts. He opened the car door but paused and shut the door with a frustrated sigh.

It is sunset. Aramide and Shalom come out from Moyo's ward. “I have to go Ara, I am really sorry I can't stay. Take care.” Shalom said sympathetically and hugged Aramide.

Shalom walked away and saw King coming in. She gave him a questioning look before walking away. King leaned on the wall opposite Ara.

Why are you here? What do you want? Aramide typed.

“I am here for Moyo” King said.

He doesn't need you so leave. Aramide typed, glaring at him annoyed.

“Me staying here is none of your business. I have the right to stay wherever I want to” King said monotonously. He didn’t look like he was going to back down. Aramide gave up and sat down.

It's getting dark and Aramide was still on the bench outside Moyo's ward. King watched her as she started to fall asleep. King sat next to her and she woke up almost immediately. She eyed him suspiciously with her tired droopy eyes and shifted to the far end of the bench.

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