Chapter 19

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I choose you and I'll choose you over and over. Without pause, without a doubt; In a heartbeat, I’ll keep choosing you.


At the Uwem mansion, King was sitting on a chair in his room thinking. Aramide is on his mind. He couldn’t stop replaying the moments when he kissed her and when she slapped him.

His phone rang disrupting his thoughts. He answered it and was greeted by a cheerful Wesley. “Hey buddy.”

“Wes, hey...why did you call?” King asked indifferently.

“Nothing, just wanted to ask how the auditions are going?” Wes said in resignation. His friend is such a sourpuss, always so serious.

“It's exhausting but we are making progress” King said. Aramide suddenly came to mind. “Wes…”


“i saw Aramide today, I saw Aramide Alordiah.”

“You did what?!” Wes exclaimed excitedly, “where?! How?!”

“She came to the audition today. You should have seen her face when she saw me” King said almost amused. He started playing with a key chain on the table.

“And she still auditioned?” Wes asked incredulously.

“I had to threaten her a bit but she complied.”

“You are such a dictator” Wes tsked. He paused in thoughts, ”King...? What are you up to now? Please don't tell me you are going to continue your stupid rivalry or revenge.”

King got up and walked to the window. “I don't have that time Wes plus, I have already taken my revenge. You will see my new plan in action very soon Wes.”

“Oh no” Wes sighed exasperatedly, “whatever, later.”

“Okay” King said and hung up.

At Aramide's house, Shalom and Aramide are talking in the room. “I can't believe you saw King again. I am beginning to think God wants you two to be together or something” Shalom said surprised.

Olorun maje, I reject that. I don't want to be anywhere around him. Aramide typed, he has caused me enough pain as it is. I just want peace now. I pray to God that he will just leave me alone, I can't stand to be broken again.

“Oh my dear” Shalom smiled sadly and hugged her.


2 weeks later. At Caleb international School, Aramide is in her class when she receives a call. “Miss Alordiah, you have been selected for the Nigerian Royal Dance Competition. You must be tomorrow, 8am sharp” the female on the phone informed.

The woman hung up and Aramide slowly dropped the phone from her ear. Aramide’s thoughts were going wild. No...oh no, no. This can't be happening.

Later, Aramide and Shalom are walking together. She told Shalom about the call. Aramide typed, I am not going.

“What?! You get a chance to win 50 million naira and you refuse” Shalom exclaimed in disbelief, “are you crazy?!”

Aramide looked at her. Do you understand what I have been through because of King? How I am forced to express myself through paper instead of my voice?. How he shattered my dreams and broke my heart?.

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