Chapter 21

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dedicated to @esthercharly.

To my silent readers, sup? How you doing?

Eventually, soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding place.


Aramide stood by the bus stop to take shelter from the pouring rain falling from the dark sky. She glanced at her watch. Oh no, I am going to be late. Just my luck.

She looked at the sky and rubbed her arms. A black car drove past her but reversed and stopped n front of her. Aramide looked at it cautiously but the look is wiped off when the car window winds down. She sees King.

Oh God. She grunted and looked away.

“Wow, my morning will surely be terrible since I've met you today, this early at that” King said mockingly. Aramide rolled her eyes and ignored him.

“get in.” King said.

Aramide looked at him surprised then shook her head.

“Don't be stubborn,” King said relaxed, “It's raining cats and dogs. We are going the same way. It's better you come with me.”

Aramide looked away and ignored him. The other cars behind King blow their horns.

“Hey! Move!”

“Stop causing an hold up!”


Aramide looked at King expecting him to leave but he was very calm. “I am not leaving without you” King simply said.

Aramide was surprised to hear him say that. Aramide grumbled and reluctantly got into the car. She took the front seat next to King.

“Listen witch, i don't want you to get wet, cold and sick. If you get sick, it would make taking your brother to jail meaningless” King explained as he drove. Aramide pouted and looked away. King just chuckled.

They arrive the Audition building and Aramide quickly got out of the car. She rushed inside and King followed. Aramide walked quickly on the stairs but the stairs were too slippery. Aramide was about to fall but King rushed to her aid and held her from behind.

Aramide froze and stared at King. King stared back at her too with clear eyes. There was no ulterior motive for that.

Aramide blinked and looked away. She stood up straight and nodded at him slightly in gratitude. King nodded stiffly in response and she went in. King looked at his hands, the hands he held Aramide with and closed his fists.

Aramide walked in and was surprised to see a woman with wine colored weavon hair staring at her hostilely. Aramide stared at her confused before walking away.

At Team Sapphire's training room, Aramide walked in and looked at Chris. Chris smiled at her, “hi Ara.”

Aramide smiled and nodded. She sat down and typed, so what are we doing today?

“We decided a song. We will review the song and practice the routine once everyone is here" Chris said. Aramide nodded in approval.

The rest of the members of Team Sapphire walked in and the team chose the song they thought was best. Once they were done with that, they practiced the routine. Later, Lisa, Funmi and Aramide talk.

“...that is a beautiful ring Lisa” Funmi said dazzled.

Lisa raised her finger. She smiled, “thanks, my fiancé gave it to me. He proposed two weeks ago. We are holding up the wedding because of this competition.”

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