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Authors Note: I will like to apologize utmost that the few starting chapters are somewhat bumpy. I began working on this novel in middle school, and my past plan/plot for this book has greatly altered from my current plot. Please bear with my grammar/tenses for the few chapters. Thank you.

My name is Lucas. I'm currently in my senior year of college. Some mishaps has caused me to be inattentive towards education. Of course, I do think education is important. I have been working at a convenience store as a part-time to support my past years in college. Work is boring, but I've discovered some ways to entertain myself. Which is 99% of the time. Fun fact, there's been this beautiful person that's been coming during my time of shift.

It's strange, us human say we don't choose partners based on looks. However, the majority of the time, we approach people because their look is what we find attractive.

He must be a model, but he's short (in the nicest way possible), about 5'7 I'll say. (I'm very observative, please don't file me to the police as a creep.) He's a strange person. He comes by at least twice a week, but all he ever does is buy a couple of lollipops and then leave. By a glance of his hand, one could tell he's been biting his nail. Once again, I am NOT a creep. Oh, there he comes, watermelon and strawberry flavored lollipop in his left hand. That's usually what he gets. I swear, I do sound like a creep.

Please don't judge me, and let me work. "Sir, that'll be $3.27, and would you like it in a bag and with a receipt?" Did he just jolt? I think I scared him a little. I feel bad, but that was kinda cute. The way he stares at me and says "no thank you." Just the way he does it is so captivating. Time to focus Lucas. Let me quickly give him his changes, and "have a nice day!" Just smile and wave, smile and wave.

He's leaving already. I'm kinda sad. I wish I had the courage to ask for his name at least. Ugh, great job Lucas. Just lost another shot. But honestly, how can someone be so pretty? Gold strands of hair, peach lips, and natural blush. Yet, he still has a masculine aura. Which I think is very attractive. Please don't judge my standard.

This bump in my pocket has been bugging me for a while now. Oh... no... I remember. I had previously bought a pack of gum and wanted to give it to him. Lucas, let's hurry up before he leaves and you'll never get to see him again. My chest is beating pretty fast. Door please, slide open faster. Thank you. Let's get out of this hell-hole, look left, look right. Bingo! Ok, approach slowly Lucas. Let's hope you don't come off as a creep. Slowly... Naturally...

"Excuse me. Hi, my name is Lucas. Sorry, I hope I don't come off as weird but I notice that your fingernails... well... I- Would you like this pack of gum?!" Shoot. This looks like I'm proposing to him. Quickly show him the pack of gum... And...

"Thank you."

"Oh haha, no problem." Let's laugh it off so this doesn't become awkward. Why is he sitting on a bench all alone with just bread? "Is that your dinner?"

"Haha sadly yes." That smile is a killer. If he's still single, I hope this is a sign from god. "Would you like to come to my place and have dinner with me? My shift ends in about 15 minutes." You idiot, who would come into a stranger's house! Let me just find a way to leave quietly without any tension an-

"Actually, is that alright? Things hasn't been going as a plan for me."

I can't believe it! He agreed! Thank you, God. I'll promise to go to church next year. "I'm just gonna go back inside and... haha... get back to work. Can't have my boss fire me."

Just 3 more 5 minutes and I can leave this hell-hole.

Tik-Tok, tik-tok. Ding! Closing up time!


"Sorry for the wait. You must be starving. Do you wanna get going?"

"Yeah, thank you for the invitation."

How long have we been walking in this complete silence? Let's try to muster up the courage and start a conversation. A quick glance, I hope he's not weirded out. "So umm, I realized I've never gotten you name haha. I hope it's not too late to ask for that."

"I'm sorry. That had completely gone over my head. My name is Albert Simpson."

Lucas: "Oh you're fine. No need to apologize. We're here! I live on the second floor of this apartment."

Albert: "You live quite close to your job."

Now, where did I put my key? This backpack sucks. I hope he doesn't see me struggling to find this god dang key. Found it!

Lucas: "Oh haha yeah. It's actually one of the main reasons I chose to work there. The pay stinks and all, but I'll learn to like it. Please, you may enter first." What in the world is that smell? And where is the light switch? Found it. Shoot! "Sorry, I forgot to clean my place up. I've just been busy with all the college projects and tests." Oh no, he's turning around. Please don't be grossed out.

Albert: I understand that completely. I was just like you when I was in college.

Lucas: "Umm, anyway, you can try to find a place to sit. I wasn't expecting visitors any time soon. I'm gonna go make some food real quick." Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. Move these dirty clothes out of the way. Why do I have shoes on the couch? Forget about that. He's probably really famished right now. I made him wait for a long time.

For the mature version, please click on my profile and select the book "Deviant Lover {bXb} (18+)" CONTAIN SMUTS

(bXb) Deviant Lover Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora