Chapter 33: Threats and Organization

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Sasuke looked out the tinted glass window of the car for a moment before he averted his eyes back on the papers he was holding that contains the basic information about the members. Aoda had given him the document before he left earlier and Sasuke decided to skim it. But as he flipped the eighth page, he frowned.

One member was missing. It seems Aoda couldn't gather any basic information about him other than his name.

"Tobi?" Sasuke muttered before shaking his head and throwing the papers on the side.

As the car halted outside the building that Aoda told him, Sasuke stepped out of the vehicle. He looked up at the hundred storey glass building, the structure doesn't particularly stood out since there are quite plenty of buildings in Ginza District like this one or some are even better. But what makes this building different from the rest is that inside this very place is the location of Akatasuki's meeting place in Tokyo. They own several buildings all around Japan but this one seems like their personal favourite, not to mention it is located in Tokyo's main commercial centre, the Chūō Ward.

The Ginza District is also the most expensive place in the world and Sasuke knew the members own at least quite a share in half of the luxurious brands in here.

He entered the building, his two men following closely behind. They noticed a man approaching them, judging by his outfit and the earpiece he had, they realized he must have been one of the members' personal guard who was sent down to guide them towards where the meeting room is.

He bowed firmly in front of Sasuke. "This way, Uchiha-sama," he said, gesturing towards the elevator.

They went inside the lift and the man punched the very top floor. Once the door of the elevator opened, a deserted hallway instantly greeted them. They walked towards the far end of the corridor and the man opened a mahogany door.

"You two can wait in the lobby," Sasuke said and the men bowed as Sasuke walked inside.

He instantly felt nine pair of eyes on him and he absolutely doesn't like it. Sasuke's eyes roam the around, observing like an eagle's until his gaze landed on the only vacant seat on the far left corner.

He walked towards it, not letting himself get bothered by the heavy atmosphere as he sat on the chair and pulled out the ring inside his coat, putting it on his right ring finger.

"I believe there are certain rules the members must follow," Sasuke stated, breaking the silence as he narrowed his eyes towards them whose eyes are equally narrowed towards him.

"And one of the rules clearly state that current members shall not kill each other. But with the way all of you are looking at me right now, it feels as though some of you are itching to kill me."

Sasuke's gaze travelled around again, letting his word float in the silent room. Until a man cackled.

"The kid has a dry sense of humour, must've gotten it from Itachi," he said, his left ring finger displayed the kanji 'south'. Kisame Hoshigaki. According to the information, he was the closest member to Itachi, even as far as considering Sasuke's older brother as a friend but Sasuke doubt if Itachi even saw him as someone more than an acquaintance.

"What brings you here all of a sudden?" The man sitting across Sasuke asked, his eyes half-lidded as he looked nonchalantly at Sasuke. The member with the ring containing the kanji sphere, Sasori. From what Sasuke read, he was a close relative of the Suna siblings who control a Yakuza organization in the Southern Wards.

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