Chapter 18: Ulterior

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"Shikaku-sama, Shikamaru-sama has arrived," a woman in a traditional kimono said as she bowed in front of a man. Shikamaru walked right after and the woman was dismissed after placing the tray of tea on the side.

"Hey old man, it's been a while," Shikamaru said, lazily rubbing the back of his head as he sat across his father. In front of them was a small wooden table and on top was a chess board with its pieces scattered around.

"So it seems."

Nara Shikaku, the leader of a Yakuza organization that controls most of the wards in Northern Tokyo. He is a man whose ideals and judgment never clouds personal desires. Living a life that follows the wise sayings of old, never had he imagined he would have a son as languid as Shikamaru.

"I heard you were helping the young Uchiha," Shikaku said as he poured tea and handed it towards his son who just put the teacup beside him.

"I don't plan on stopping you but make sure not to meddle too much. Swim too far from the shore and you will encounter enormous waves."

Shikamaru yawned and rubbed his ear, a display that show how much fed up he is by his father's words but it didn't irk Shikaku as much as any other parent would have probably been.

"You know what old man, I think you've been reading too much Confucius these days. You and mom should go on a vacation abroad."

Shikaku raised an eyebrow as he sip the tea. "And why is that?"

"Things will get messy soon. It might be too noisy for you."

Shikaku looked at his son, a hint of seriousness shone in his eyes as he stare at Shikamaru. "Son, how far are you willing to go for a friend?"

Shikamaru looked down on the board game and arranged its pieces.

"I'm not just doing it for a friend."

After arranging the pieces on the right places, Shikamaru moved the queen pawn forward to d3 and looked at Shikaku, urging him to play against him.

"You should know your son too well by now, old man," Shikamaru said as he moved the king pawn to e4.

"Every move I make is calculated. I'm not just helping Sasuke because of a friend."

Next, Shikamaru moved the queen out of the interior and placed it diagonally on h5, the spot where it directly checked the king.

Shikaku looked on the board. He was too preoccupied by what his son was talking about that he failed to notice Shikamaru had already check mate him using a simple three-way trick that even a child could have countered.

"Everything I do has its corresponding reason. I don't do anything without any ulterior motive. That's how you and my teacher raised me."

Shikamaru said before standing up, taking his coat as he get ready to leave.

"Shikamaru, you don't mean to..." Shikaku trailed off, looking at his son's back. "Are you planning to kill that man?"

Shikamaru's hand tightened on his coat as his jaw clenched.

"Don't worry old man. I'm off now to visit my teacher." Shikamaru waved his hand and started to walk.

The sky had visibly darkened but rain did not pour. It seems the calm clouds are preparing to unleash a storm. Shikamaru arrived at the place and set a bouquet of flower in front of a memorial before taking out a stick of cigar and a lighter.

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