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'Can I have a word with you?'

I turn around to meet the eyes of his teacher.
It feels like I'm going to get a lecture.
I look at Alex who's playing with a few friends.

'Yea sure.'

'So I don't think it's a good thing for Alex to grow up without two parents and..' 'He has two,' I respond, 'My partner works at the hospital and is just busy, but Alex has two parent figures.. so I don't see the problem.'
'Alex has been a bit down lately and I think that he just misses her.'

'Him.' Someone corrects and places a hand on my shoulder.
'You made it. Okay so the project is amazing but you did miss the presentation.. I'm sure he will be happy when he sees you're here.'
'Alright let's go.'
'Were we done?' I ask. 'I think so.'

'Dad!' The little boy runs towards Josh and jumps into his arms.
'Hey hey, I told you I would make it.'

People are staring at us and it's making me really uncomfortable.

'Bear?' 'I'm fine Alex,' I squeeze his cheek, 'Let's show dad what you guys made okay?'
He smiles and nods hysterically.

'Teddy relax.. I don't care about what people think of us and you shouldn't either,' I feel how he takes my hand, 'We're not doing anything illegal and they have no reason to judge us for anything.' 'But they are,' I reply.
'So? Why would we give a fu.. something about that?'

'Come!' 'We'll discuss this later,' he whispers to me before getting dragged away by the small child.

'So Ted.. who's that? Your brother or something? Alex seems to be keen on him. Look at him he's so happy.'
'He's my husband.' 'Wait really?'
'Yes,' I reply. 'It makes so much sense.'
'What do you mean?' I ask confused.
'Alex never mentioned anything about a mother.. now it's explained.'

'Dad! Come on!' I feel how it's my turn to get dragged away. 'Sorry got to go.'


'How much sugar did you give him?'

The boy was running through the room just waiting to hurt himself.

'I didn't give him anything,' I respond.
'Then why is he running around like this?' 'Developing speed.'
'You don't have that?'
'Of course I do, I turned it off.'

I catch the running boy and pull him on the couch.

'That's enough sweety, we should get you in bed.' 'No, I don't want to!'
'Alright what if.. you're very quiet so we don't notice you're here?'

He nods with the biggest smile on his faces and snuggles up to me.


'Ted I know it's late, but I was just thinking about something.'
'Go ahead.'
'I was thinking about adopting a..'
'Are you sure that's smart? I mean we manage now, but would we with someone else running around?'

He sighs and turns onto his back.

'After my coronation I will need to resign from my work and I yes it will be busy, but I can take the children with me when you're working and it would work I promise.'
'So you want to adopt an elf or?'
'There's this one girl who lost her parents and every time I'm in Earlmare we talk, she's so sweet and I feel bad for her.'

I bite on my bottom lip, thinking about the suggestion.

'Maybe talk with your dad about it first, he didn't like it when we didn't the last time.'
'Honey I need to know if you're up for it first.'
'How old is she?' 'Seven.'
'I want to meet her first.'
'Of course, we will meet you in Bouspa,' he responds excited.
'Hold up Bouspa isn't safe.'

'But does this mean you're up for it?'
'If I don't end up doing all the work.'
'I promise.'

I smile at the goofball I call my husband and turn on my side to go to sleep.

'Ted?' 'Hm?'
'I'm home tomorrow, I took a day off, so we can hang around, play some boardgames until you need to go to the restaurant.'
'Nice,' I mumble half asleep.

I find myself being forced to turn around and face the taller male.

'Kiss.' 'No.'


'That's not how this works.'

His laughter makes me forget everything for a few minutes.

He leans in and places a quick kiss on my forehead.

'Sleeping in tomorrow?'
'If the little guy lets us,' I reply thinking about our small surprise.

He was a surprise, it wasn't supposed to happen, yet he was the best thing that happened to me.

His smile cheered me up on bad days, his voice put a smile on my face.

He looked like me.. a lot actually.
His hair the same shade of black, his eyes the same shade of blue.
He had the same dimples I have when he smiles.

Visually he was similar, on the inside.. not so much. The biggest difference being cheerful and positive.
He sees good in everything and I know he isn't that old yet, but he's going to grow up beautifully.

If nothing happens to block it.

'Are we good parents?'

He turns his head in suprise.

'What do you mean?' He responds.
'I don't know, it's just.. I don't want him to grow up the same way I did.. broken.'
'Honey, we got this. He's going to grow up so beautifully,' he assures me.
'Even if..' I quiet down, 'Even if people start making comments about him having two dads?'

'You're strong, he's strong, I'm strong, we're strong. We got this.'

We got this.

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