F I F T Y - T H R E E

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We'd fallen asleep no more than an hour later, as soon as Loki was done seeing everything Thanos put me through, he crushed me in his arms and clutched me tightly to his chest. He'd said nothing to me, just shook and pressed my small figure into his with a bone-crushing hug. He'd whimpered a small, pathetic, "I'm sorry," under his breath that shattered my heart, and said nothing else afterward as he clutched me. 

I didn't say anything either, just buried myself in him, hoping it'd make it alright.

After what seemed like forever of holding each other on the floor, we eventually found the bed and he held me to him so tightly I had to adjust to be able to breathe easily. I'd tucked my head into his chest and he'd held one arm adamantly over my torso, his other arm laying on the pillow above my head and leaving his hand resting on my hair.

His body was rigid and tense and his breathing was ragged and shallow. He'd never said a word to me, and I him, we just laid there and let the silence swallow us until I eventually drifted off. I knew Loki likely didn't fall asleep until a long time after I did, as he stayed taught against me and never relaxed even after I drifted off.

I wished that I could say that night was different, that finally being reunited with the love of my life chased away my nightmares and worries.

But not even Loki's arms could protect me.


My bare feet slapped against concrete as I walked forward, the landscape spreading before me as red fire crawled on the ground and up the surrounding buildings.

People screamed as I came, clutching children and running in any direction that was away from my merciless heat.

I couldn't quite comprehend the terrible smell of burning flesh that singed my nose, and when I saw people cremate before my eyes, it didn't quite register in my head.

The heat circled my palm and crawled up my forearms, my shoulders, my neck as I unleashed an onslaught of fire into the helpless planet, my cloak blew from my shoulders, the clasp at my neck the only thing keeping it on my body as I paced slowly with red wrapped in my fists.

When the man clad in a red cape and long blonde hair came to me this time, this time I didn't try and walk away. My flames grew and the blonde's eyes widened as he stumbled back, holding his hands in front of his face.

"Lyra!" He begged, but I didn't know a Lyra. I didn't recognize my own name.

I raised my hands and searing hot flames tore through the blonde, he screamed and swatted at the fire as the horrid smell overwhelmed me, but I continued to push the power into him until the screaming stopped.


the name suddenly popped in my head.

I killed him

A shrill scream ripped through my throat as agony tore my chest and I ran toward the god of thunder, falling to my knees at his bloody, burned up body. "No, no no no!" I screeched, sobbing as I fell onto him. "Thor!"

the pain shot through me and I cried in anguish, my chest split open at the sight of what I did to him. I collapsed completely against him, pressing my cheek to his blistering hot iron armor. I couldn't look at his mangled skin, couldn't look up to see my flames continuing to eat through children and innocents and homes.

The power soared through my skin, and I could feel it thrum with the power as I cried at what I'd done.


I startled awake, lurching upward in the bed as I hunkered over to try and catch my breath and gasping in air greedily. I felt vile rise in my throat and I pressed my palm against my mouth, shuddering as I wiped my sweat plastered forehead with my other hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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