T W E N T Y - N I N E

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¡First few chapters and chapters before this recently went through editing, if you want to reread that!
Days pass, my throat slowly, emphasis on slowly, heals. The bruising lessens slightly, and Frigga often visits but not as much as Eir, who refuses to let me leave the room.

I sat in the bed upright, reading a book and grumbling to myself. I flip the page, no longer reading the words but staring out the window and into the endless garden. Eir told me within the next day or two I would be back in my cell, and Odin confirmed that by the end of the month I would be out of the cell so, it was all coming around.

A knock softly sounds through the door, and I beckon who I presume to be Frigga or Eir in. To my surprise, Thor walks in. Behind him, the form of a girl stood there, whom I couldn't see completely but recognized her presence.

"Thor?" I ask, my voice still dry and hoarse but better. Eir told me to speak as little as possible until my throat is healed, but it was so close to being healed, so I doubted talking would tip the scales at this point. The bruises were barely there and the pain was only noticeable when I turned my head too abruptly. "Lyra, I need your help." He says, I look at him, squinting at the person attached to his back, I recognize her from anywhere. "Jane?" I say scratchily. "Hey, long time no see." She says, scratching the back of her head, I stood up, immediately realizing that her energy levels were bouncing around way more than they should, she seemed tired, and the power I sense within her made my eyes widen. "Jane! What on Valhalla happened to you!" I whisper worriedly, grabbing her hands and sitting her next to me on the bed. "Hey, I was just about to ask the same thing." She says,laughing nervously.

"We don't know, Eir told us you might be able to help." Thor says quickly, ushering me to do my best.

"Of course, I'll try." I say, standing off the bed. "Lie down." I instruct, she complies. I bend over her, touching my fingers to her arm and letting them glow amber. My eyes draw closed and I search for an explanation within her mind.

My fingers heat up when I find the source: The Aether. It's power consuming her ounce by ounce every moment. "The Aether, how?" I ask, turning to Thor, my eyes widening with shock. He nods.

"The planets are aligning." He says, making me nod in reply , "She wandered through a gateway to where the Asgardians before us hid it after the Dark Elf war." Thor said, "I see," I say solemnly, my scratchy voice causing my throat to burn slightly. "What can you do?" Thor asks, walking forward so his chest grazes my shoulder. "Very little, extraction could take days, maybe weeks. I'm afraid if this doesn't slow it's pace then it will consume her in a matter of hours." I say, looking at Thor.

His face goes pale. "Guys, I feel fine, I really don't see what all the fuss is about." Jane says, butting into our conversation. "You might feel fine but you definitely won't be, it's moving quickly, no species' immune system is designed to handle the power of an infinity stone. Except for maybe a celestial or a demon." I say, placing my hand on my forehead. I meet Thor's eyes. "But," I rasp. Thor's eyebrows lift. "I like but, keep going." He replies.

I pinched my chin and creased my forehead, biting my lip in contemplation. "It's kind of a long shot, and it's, also, slightly impossible." I thought aloud, Thor crosses his arms. "How impossible?"
He asks, I look at him and let my arms fall to my sides.

"We'd be banking on the fact that the Dark Elf is still alive." I sigh.
"You're kidding me, right?" Thor says, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "It's her best chance. Extracted something of this power would take too much of a toll on me or Eir, if it doesn't kill us first, so unless their lies some miracle behind that door, I-" I was interrupted by the door busting open, making Thor and I jump in surprise.

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