T H I R T Y - F O U R

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Malikith's ship was like a dream, no, I corrected myself, a nightmare.

The black stone that was carved of reeked of something that felt wrong, it's very presence sending a shiver down my spine. The long, massive craft hummed and whirred in the sky, I could hardly tear my eyes from it long enough to focus on what was about to transpire.
Loki and went into me and Thor's mind and explained the plan in immense detail, how exactly we could use Malikith to rid Jane of the burden of the Aether and destroy it all together. I was the one who proposed we manipulate Malikith to extracting the Reality Stone, on Asgard I told Thor it was the only way to safely take it from Jane's system without permanently damaging her in the process.

And that led to this plan. It was a long shot, but it had to work.

Staring at the waiting Dark Elves at the bottom of the hill, Thor rubbed Jane's shoulders. "Are you ready?" He asked her, she gave a shallow nod, her skin sticky with sweat and skin sickeningly pale. Loki angles his head toward his brother, a small smile playing on his lips, and says, "I am."

And thus our plan commenced.

The three of us simultaneously rose to our feet, I stroked Dygo's hilt, allowing myself to indulge in the comfort it gave me. Loki threw Thor and I a sideways glance. "This plan of yours is going to get us killed," Loki drawled, I couldn't stop my smile at that. "Very likely," I replied at the same time Thor said. "Yes possibly,"

Loki then turned to Thor, holding his bound wrists toward him, indicating he should release him. Thor hesitates, staring at Loki uneasily. Loki sighed, grinning at his brother. "After all of this you still don't trust me?" Loki sneered, Thor glared at him. "Would you?"

Thor reaches forward and released him of his binding, discarding the cuffs without a second thought. I brace myself as Loki rubs his wrist and sighed, a small smile coming to his lips. "No," he sighed. "I wouldn't," Loki whipped toward Thor and drove the dagger through his stomach, Thor grunted, hammer falling from his hand and going rolling down the hill we stood atop. "Thor!" Jane screamed, I unsheathe Dygö, raising it over my head toward Loki and making to drive it down, purposely giving him the opening to my abdomen. A green mist then pins my arms in the air, he stabbed the dagger he wielded into my stomach and I made a show of dropping my sword and falling back, clutching the wound in my stomach. Dirt gathered in my hair as I too rolled toward the bottom of the hill, toward Malikith and his Dark Elves. "No!" Jane cried, stumbling after the man she loves, swaying on her feet and stumbling all the while. Loki stepped over me as he approaches Thor, not even sparing me a second glance as he came toward the writhing blonde. "You think I really cared about Frigga? About any of you?" Loki seethed. I groan in pain, pressing my fingers to the blood that stained my armor. "Loki, please," I choked, blood spilling from my lips, he didn't even glance at me, just continued his act. I expected him to look at me and sneer some maniacal comment, not straight up ignore me, but whatever works for him. As long as this charade fools malakith.

"All I've ever wanted was you and Odin dead at my feet," Loki ground out, a vicious smile on his lips. Thor raises his hands and I heard the whir of Mjolnir being summoned. Loki grabbed his brother's hand, raised his dagger, and cut Thor's hand clean off. I flinched at how realistic it looked, Thor's bellow if pain roared throughout the land as he clutched his arm to his chest, face contorting in agony. "No!" I screamed, trying to stand on my feet but falling back down.

Jane rushes to her lover's side, crying out and grabbing at him, but Loki grabbed her by the torso and slung her forward, gripping her against her side. "Malekith!" He roared as Jane struggled against his unwavering grip, the Dark Elves took a few curious steps, angling their heads at Loki. Our plan seemed to be working by the glint of joy in their eyes. "I am Loki of Jotunheim, and I bring you a gift," he sneered. He pushed Jane to her knees, albeit gently, and whipped his maniacal head toward the Dark qElf is"I only ask for one thing in return- a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn," Loki seethed, the corners of his mouth pulling into an evil grin. It truly bothers me how easily this facade came to him, as if he'd done this a million times before....

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