F I F T Y - O N E

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Lights sparked in my vision as I pinwheeled through space, my breath knocked out of my chest from the lack of air.

I crashed into object after object, and I held my forearms in front of my face to protect myself. I felt like I was falling forever, until finally I crashed into solid ground, my black colliding with hard metal. I groaned as pain stabbed into my spine, an ache filling my bones.

I rolled over onto my stomach and winced at the pains in my body, blinking away the dark spots clouding my vision. I stood up slowly, dusting off my old Asgardian training leathers. I'd conjured it on myself to have some sort of protection, and my armor was too nostalgic to me.

I looked around and surveyed my surroundings, ever confused but trying to pin point where, exactly, in the galaxy I was. On this planet I'd landed in a dump, somewhere, scraps of metal and pieces of machinery and garbage were littered everywhere. All the trash was being dumped by large cosmic portals in the sky, ones with different colors placed randomly upon the horizon. I began to think this planet was just some collection point of space garbage, when I looked off into the distance and saw the towers of some techno looking city.

I grunted at the distance, I couldn't teleport there, I had no idea where I would land, but I still needed to make my way to civilization to find a way out of here. I needed to find Loki and Thor, and as much as I dreaded it, we needed to get back to Asgard. Clove and Hela will devour the realm if we can't stop them.

Their power terrified me to no end, and I knew we'd seen no more than a sample of what they were capable of, would we even survive them once they didn't hold back? A shiver ran down my spine at the thought.

I sighed and begun to trek through the trash, kicking away wheels and anything that blocked me, but I heard an engine whirring in the air and I looked up. The large purple and white body of a ship was flying overhead and began to land near me, its engine stirring dust from the earth and I raised my arm over my eyes to shield myself from it. From the door at the center of the ship a mechanical bridge extended out, and from the unit within a woman emerged, my shoulders sagged with relief at the sight of someone else.

The woman who walked out onto the walkway was wearing black armor, with a blue cape on one shoulder, her dark hair braided back into a ponytail and her brown skin decorated with white markings around her eyes and above her brows.

"Excuse me?" I called out, walking toward her as she descended from the ramp. She raised a brow at me. "Wow? Another Asgardian already?" She said, sounding sarcastic and surprisingly almost bored.

I narrowed my eyes. "You know of another Asgardian whose come through here?" I asked warily, wondering if Thor ended up on this same planet. And very possibly Loki. The woman turned her chin to the side and raising her eyebrows. "If you're looking for Thor he's days away from death. That's a lost cause, sweetheart." She muttered, watching my reaction carefully. My eyes darkened and anger flared inside of me. I turned my palms forward, very little but very hot flames of warning spawning there. "If you've done something to him-" "You look like a fighter." The woman said, looking at me considerably.

I was taken off guard by that, frowning at her strange timing. She whipped something small at my face and I pulled my forearm in front of me to guard my face, and I furrowed my brows in confusion as a small disc latched onto my skin and sank into my arm. "Wh-" But I was interrupted by the sudden surge of heat and electricity in my veins, and I blacked out as my body fell limp onto the ground.


When I came back to consciousness, it was to the sound of something mechanical starting up. I squinting my eyes, blinking away the dark spots in my vision. Lights flickered on and I startled as I began to move without putting myself in motion. When I adjusted to the light, I could see where I was. I was in some sort of steel chair that my wrists and ankles were cuffed to.

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