T W E N T Y - F O U R

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I honestly did not know what to do with myself in confinement. I paced around my cell continuously with my eyes constantly tracing the ground. I should have been out there, fighting wars and not locked in that cell for no reason. What the hell was Odin thinking? I was his best warrior, why was I in some godsdamned prison cells? I snap my fingers subconsciously, continuing to pace like I had been doing for hours beforehand, needing to stay active. If I had to sit down for one more second-

"Could you stop that?" Loki says. "It's distracting." He adds, placing his book on his lap. "Your face is distracting." I shot back, something Tony taught me. "I beg your pardon?" He says, I saw humor in his eyes and I smirk. I turn around, closing my eyes and pacing the cell once again. Confused, and somewhat humored, Loki ignored me.

Humming the song that was in my dream the night before, I studied Loki's cell. His being much nicer than mine, it was laid out like a miniature apartment. He had a desk, a comfortable bed, a bookshelf, a table, and a rug for Valhalla's sake. Wasn't he a criminal to Asgard? I almost laughed, realizing that Frigga was trying to make him comfortable. He really was a mommy's boy, as Tony had called him before when Thor had mentioned he was favored in Frigga's eyes.

I snorted at the though but cover my mouth and turn away, but not quickly enough for Loki to not notice. "What is it?" He sighed in annoyance, my smile disappeared from his lips at the aggravation he exhibited on his face. And damn myself for allowing myself to get hurt by it. "Nothing." I said, forcing my smile to pull my lips once again. I lean my head against the wall, staring at Loki. He was obviously trying to pretend he didn't notice, but his eyes kept flicking up to mine. "May I ask you something?" I ask, folding my hands together. He closes his eyes for a moment, sighing and opening them again. "If I do, will you please stop staring at me like a mindless animal?" He asks. I knit my eyebrows together. "First of all, rude. And second of all, yes." I reply, I will take anything at this point.

"Ask away." He answers, making me smile in victory. "Alright. Can you please tell me what happened when you fell through the black hole, I was in Midgard but you, you weren't. You came back months later, and its clear something happened." I asked insistently, giving him a sheepish smile. He shot me a sideways glance, giving me his answer with the look in his eyes. I frowned. "Loki, please." I pleaded, I wanted so badly to help him and it killed me that I didn't know how. I could see something big had to have happened for such a drastic change, he sensed the desperation in my tone, but it did nothing. He paused, looking into my eyes as a sense of darkness loomed over them.

I could tell he didn't want to answer that. "It was nowhere of importance." He says, dismissing me and flipping a page of his book. I sigh in defeat, staring at the auburn forcefield between them. It was weaker than the one that kept us inside, merely a division between the two cells since the structural engineer most likely didn't care one way or another if we'd broken through it. Apart in our cells we were only about ten feet apart, but despite the minimal distance for 'criminals', I still felt a thousand yards away from him.

I looked at him for a moment, fixing my eyes on his rigid figure, before finally muttering, "Fine," Under my breath and curtly, fighting to keep a mask of indifference in my voice.

There was more than just a thin shield between us, instead, it was a thickening sheet of glass that pushed us farther and farther apart while I watched him drift away. I tried to press my fingers to that glass, to make it give way under my weight so maybe I might finally get closer to him, but it wouldn't work.

I wondered if I would ever break that glass.

I quickly push the though far away from my mind, I would never give up on Loki, even if I have to drag myself down with him, I will bring him back to me.

The Light To His Lies (Loki)Where stories live. Discover now