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I stood up then, almost happy to see the shell shocked Loki standing there, because Tony was right.

I was pretty pissed.

I threw the bloodied bullet and tweezers onto the counter, and Stark's lips curled in disgust. "Ew- gross- can you not put that on the counter?"

I ignored Stark, leaning forward on the counter and glaring menacingly at Loki.

"So I'm not apart of their ploy, is that right?"

Loki's lips turned up, anger festering there.

"I only wished to protect you." He replied, more angrily than before.

"You've done a remarkable job, then."

"The tin can is right, I'm livid." I seethed, and I know he heard the truth in my words. "And our team is coming for you," I drawled, giving Stark a sideways grin, he matched my smile with a devilish one of his own.

"I have an army." Loki spat venomously, though something had changed in his tone since I'd appeared, he seemed to be less convinced of himself now. Perhaps I was being too hopeful; or naive, maybe.

"We have a hulk." Tony answered, and I thought of the green beast and my confidence in our team soared.

"I thought the beast wandered off," Loki pondered mockingly, holding his chin up as if pleased with himself. My anger soared, and I couldn't help but feel a little hurt that he continued with this operation power grab: even when I stood before him. Not that my presence had changed much in the past.

Tony groaned irritably, as if tired of putting up with Loki, and frankly, I was tired of this Loki too. I wondered if I hit him hard enough across the face if I could snap him out of it. "You're missing the point. There is no throne," Tony seethed. "There's no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your army of fucking Cheezits comes, and maybe it's too much for us, but that's all on you."  Tony finished, taking confident steps forward, I stayed behind the bar a moment longer, watching Loki's reaction carefully before walking around the other side of the bar to get closer to them.

"Because if we can't defend Earth, then we'll sure as hell avenge it." Tony spat, his usual childish and jesting demeanor flipping to seriousness with his little rant. He stood with a challenging stance toward Loki, who actually was impressed with his speech. I was surprised to sense that emotion in him, but he showed no trait of it on the surface.

Loki raised his scepter, and I placed a hand on Dygö's hilt to prepare myself for what would follow.

"How will your precious team have time for me- when they're too busy fighting you." Loki quipped devilishly, his evil grin curling his lips once again as he tapped the scepter to Tony's chest. When I realized what Loki was trying to do, my worry disappeared. I knew it wouldn't work.

And sure enough, a little glass tink sounded from the scepter, as he couldn't press it against his chest since Tony had the arc reactor.

"This usually works," Loki mumbled, almost embarrassed, and I snorted and covered my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Performance issues. I get it." Tony shrugged, Loki grunted in anger and grabbed Tony's throat forcefully, who yelped in surprise as Loki pushed him across the room. I sprang into action, raising my sword as Loki chucked Tony across the room.

The Light To His Lies (Loki)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang