T W E N T Y - S E V E N

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Frigga walked into the infirmary, meeting Eir's solemn expression. "How is she?" Frigga asked, studying the young girl's face, skin so pale she feared she already knew the answer to that. Eir was sitting in an armchair next to her, guilt evident on her face and grief there too, Lyra and Eir were very close, The Queen knew.

Eir bowed her head at Frigga, both in respect and in grief. "No signs of life, Your Majesty," Eir said silently, Frigga almost didn't hear her, but her heart dropped all the same. Lyra laid on the bed, her arms limp at her sides, gnarly bruises and welts littered her neck, her lips had lost all of its red, almost taking on a blue tint, and her skin was pale from the lack of blood that was reaching her. Frigga stiffened and wearily walked forward. "You couldn't heal her?" Frigga asked, her voice heavy with emotion. She said this kindly, more inquiring than demanding. Eir continued to look down, shame evident in her eyes. "Something blocked my magic, Majesty. I couldn't, but I tried so hard," Eir slowly stood, she touched the young girl's head lightly, as if still hoping some evidence of life would remain.

Frigga's heart twisted, not just for Eir and Lyra.
Her thoughts were of her son, Loki, what would he take of this? The woman Frigga knew he loved dearly killed in such a way, dishonored by Odin by throwing her in the prisons for something as petty as caring for someone, and killed in her sleep.

Even if she was in the prisons for more than just caring for Loki, it didn't matter now. Odin's reasoning wouldn't save Lyra.

"How did it happen?" The Queen asked the healer. Eir slowly lifted her eyes toward Frigga again, tearing her gaze from the young princess of another realm. "My best guess would be dreamscaping, she was acting as though something were still attacking her when she arrived into my care, and my magic couldn't reach her, as if someone was actively holding it back. I tried various methods to wake her, but she was already gone seconds after she arrived," Eir informed Frigga, Frigga nodded sadly in understanding.

Slowly, the Queen stalked forward. She approached the girl wearily, seeing Lyra's ghastly face from closer up and being able to see the full extent of the horrid damage done to her. A few tears were shed for the girl she had cared for as a child, had taught her magic and had seen fall for her son. Lyra had always been like a daughter to her, and now another one fell to the likes of Death.

She touched Lyra's cold forehead, then lightly pressed her lips where her fingers were, a muttered a soft farewell to the warrior-hearted girl. She turned to a guard that stood by the chamber door. "Alert the Allfather. He has been inquiring after her health all day," she said silently, feeling anger towards her husband at the moment. Then, as an after that, she added "And my son, Loki, as well, he deserves to know more than anyone."



His Lyra, gone.

He couldn't believe it, not for one second. He would know if she was dead. He would know, he reminded himself. Those wretched gaurds were wrong, she wasn't dead. She's too goddamn stubborn to die, she would claw her way past any sort of barrier that kept her from this world and would fight through it.

His warrior, his goddess, his love, was not gone.

Because she had made a promise to him, that she would always wear his bracelet, that she would always stick by him, that no matter what, she would stay with him. He had witnessed firsthand how adamant that promise was. Even after he did horrible things..... she was there. She didn't break promises, no matter what happened to him or to her or anyone Lyra never broke her promises. She was a woman of her word, so he knew she would not leave him. She would never do that to him, so they were wrong.

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