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"You've got to be kidding me." Clint mutters. "Call it captain." Tony says. "Alright listen up, until we get that portal our top priority is containment, Barton, I want you on that roof. Eyes on everything, call out patterns and strays. Stark, you've got the perimeter, anything gets more than three blocks you turn it back or you turn it to ash." Steve says. "Give me a lift?" Clint asks Tony. I shift Dygö into a fighting position, a smile starting to grow on my lips. How I've missed this, I thought to myself.

"Right," Stark replies. He grabs Clint's shoulder and shoots into the air with him. "Thor, you've got to bottle up that portal. Slow em down. You've got the lightning, so light those bastards up." Steve continues. Thor swings his hammer and launches himself toward a tower. Steve turns to me. "Lyra, I need you to take care of those flying worm things." He says. "Leviathans?" I corrected. "Yeah, those." He says. "Roger that." I say. I press the com to my ear. "Stark, I'm coming to you." I say I teleport up in the air next to Stark who was trying to herd one of the Leviathans back toward the wormhole.

I stood in the air in front of the flying creature, using a considerable amount of my magic ability to stay in the air, my hair ripping free of its braid in the wind. "Step back Tony!" I yell over the Leviathan's screeching. It turns its attention to me, starting to barrel its way toward me. I stretch out my arms toward it and focus my mind on the armored skin. In an instant, it starts ripping apart and falling to the ground, the Leviathan lets out a horrid scream that attacked my ear drums. I conjure Dygö and leap forward, jumping onto its back and driving my sword into its exposed skin. I jerk my sword out as it goes tumbling down. I teleport onto the nearest building and collapse in exhaustion. Moments later Tony lands next to me, grabbing my hand and helping me up. "How long have you been able to do that?" Tony asks.

"Awhile." I huff, wiping my forehead I was a little rusty. My powers were like muscles, they get worn out easily if I don't use them in a while. "Two more." I say, swiping a piece of Leviathan skin off of my armor. "Hey, when this is over we should grab a drink together," Tony offers. I roll my eyes. "Not the time." I bark at him. I jump off the roof and onto another one closer to the chaotic leviathan, running off the side and landing on top of the huge creature.

I stand up and extend my hands, jerking them back in a harsh motion and a single piece of armor on its head flies off. I twist my sword into its skull and teleport onto another building, letting out a breath I didn't know I had been holding. As the Leviathan starts falling I notice two fleeing people holding a baby about to be crushed by it. I curse out loud and teleport onto the street. I extend my hands on hold it in the air right before it crashes onto us and ease it down carefully. I look at the mortified family and rush over to them. "Hold onto me." I order. The woman uses her free hand to grab onto my arm and the man holds onto me and his lover. I teleport around four blocks away, far away from the perimeter Steve established. "Please, find the authorities and get out of here." I say.

The people exchange weird glances over my strange 'foreign' accent. That's a first. "I just teleported you four blocks and you're worried about the accent?" I ask. I hear a roar and my com buzzes in my ear. "Lyra I need that worm dead!" Steve's voice comes in. "Okay, I'm on it. Just busy doing Stark's job."

With a second thought I added "And it's a leviathan." I reply, teleporting back on the street. "I don't care what it is as long as you turn it to dust," He replies through the com. I look up to see the Leviathan crashing into buildings and causing rubble to fall everywhere. "Hawkeye!" Nat buzzes into the com. I look up to see Loki chasing Nat with one of the Alien pods. "Nat what are you doing?" Clint replies.

"A little help!" She yells through the coms. "I got him." I look up at Stark Tower to see Clint pulling back an explosive arrow and firing it at Loki. Seconds later, Loki is shot out of the sky and the pod goes crashing into Stark Tower, soon followed by the Hulk, I barely feel any sympathy for the man I love, he's getting what's coming. I teleport onto Stark Tower, looking for a good opening point to kill the last Leviathan, but it's too crowded by buildings for me to get a good angle. I press the com to my ear. "Steve, I cannot get to the Leviathan, we need to shut down the portal or take down the mothership!" I say. Seconds later Steve's voice comes in over the com. "How do we shut down the portal?" He asks me. I grunt and look up at Stark Tower. "I think I know a way. Loki's scepter produces a mass amount of energy, we can use it to shut down the power source on top of Stark Tower, if the tip of the scepter comes in contact with the device, it should close it." I say.

"I can close it!" Nat says. "Can anybody copy? I can shut the portal down!" Nat finishes. "Do it!" Steve orders. "No, wait!" Stark's voice comes in over to coms. "Stark these things are still coming!" Steve argues. "I've got a missile coming, it's going to blow in less than a minute." Stark replies, his voice ringing in my ears.

I teleport next to Steve, making him jump when he sees me. "I'm never going to get used to that." He says under his breath. "I know just where to put it." Stark finishes, in the distance, a rocket comes toward Stark Tower at lightning speed, with Tony coming up to it. I look up and my face goes pale at the sight, I could hear the whistling of the rocket soaring through the air, the red heat that spewed from the bottom and the smoke that emitted into air trailing behind it. "Stark, you know that's a one way trip!" Steve says, throwing his shield at a Chitauri and catching it when it ricocheted off of its skull. The missile doesn't slow as its distance comes close to zero to the tower. "Come on, Tony." I mutter under my breath. The missile barely misses the tower as it starts aiming toward the portal. Without taking my eye off Tony, I turn and behead a couple of Chitauri and watch as Tony enters the portal into space. While Steve lets out a sigh of relief, my breath shudders, knowing his suit can't take that kind of pressure.

"Stark, do you read me?" I say through the coms. There is no answer. A second later, a huge explosion is heard from the portal. Chitauri around us drop dead and the last Leviathan drops dead on top of a building. "Stark!" I say, nothing but static returns through the coms. I look at Steve and Thor who stare at the dead Chitauri at our feet. "Close it." Steve says into the coms after a moment. Thor and I exchange a worried glance and I stare pleadingly at the portal. Seconds later, the portal starts closing, the rip in the sky with a shimmer of blue and green slowly mending, the portal disappearing. Right before it completely closes, in a flash of red and gold, the Man of Iron falls through the portal and I let out a sigh of relief. "Son of a gun." Steve mutters, a smile laced in his voice. As Tony plummets through the air, the smile leaves my face as I realize he's not conscious. "He's not slowing down!" Thor yells, swinging his hammer. "I got him!" I yell suddenly, my body warping as I start teleporting into the air and grabbing catching Tony, wrapping my arms around the heating metal of his suit, warming because of the velocity in which he plummeted. As soon as I had a sturdy grip on him I teleport back on the ground and ease him down onto the asphalt. Letting out a sigh of relief. Thor steps forward and rips off his mask and I lean forward, putting my ear near his mouth. When I heard his soft and weak exhale I leaned back.

"Lyra." Thor says. I nod at him, placing my hand onto Tony's forehead. "What are you doing? What is she doing?" Steve asks. My hand glows a soft yellow, making Steve look panicked as if I was hurting him. "She's healing him." Thor replies. Tony's wounds on his face mend slowly, his breath steadies and his lips flush into its normal red. By the time his bruises start healing his eyes open slowly, I kept my eyes on the bruises that were healing with my hand still against his head. He gasps and looks around, I remove my hand from his forehead and breathe a sigh of relief, he gives me a weird look. "What the hell, what just happened?" He rasps, searching everyone's face for answers. "Please tell me nobody kissed me." He says, making my worry fade and I throw back my head and laugh. "You didn't answer my question." Stark says.

"Nobody kissed you." I say, huffing and standing up. "We won." Steve says. Tony leans back and sighs. "Alright yay. Hooray good job guys. Let's just not come in tomorrow let's just.. take a day." He says wincing. "You ever tried shawarma? There's a shawarma joint two blocks from here. I don't know what it is but I want to try it." Tony says.

I sigh, laughing again. "We're not finished yet." Thor says. "Way to ruin the mood, Thor." I say. "Alright, shawarma after." Tony says.

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