F O R T Y - E I G H T

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I know you guys probably miss the other guys, but don't fret! the journey has been long, but we're almost there!

Immediately following this chapter I will start into the thor ragnarok timeline, this chapter has a lot to cover before we can get there, so it will be longer than usual. I love you all, enjoy the story!

Stephen Strange visited Lyra once every day, she didn't say anything for a few more days after that. A couple times he got some one word responses, but they never exceeded to more than that.

When he walked in, her plate he had previously brought her was untouched, that was almost six days she refused to eat. He huffed in frustration, she hardly reacted anymore when he came in, just stared at him, sometimes didn't even bother to look at him. He walked over briskly, only slowing briefly when she flinched. He picked up her old plate that was untouched, before replacing it with the new one, it had a sandwich and cooked potatoes, he tried something new everyday, trying to find out what she would eat.

He couldn't help but be slightly aggravated at the waste of food, but it was obvious she had undergone some serious trauma, it was the only explanation in his mind. He looked at her.

"Ly- I mean, Bird, you can't continue to starve yourself. You have to eat something." He instructed her, her throat bobbed, and he could see the hunger in her eyes when she saw the new plate of food. But then she looked away, her eyes wide and strangely hopeless.

"Come on, it's not like it's poisoned." Strange said insistently, but not unkindly. He had to remind himself to be patient with her. With her dry laugh and her wandering gaze, he figured his sarcastic comment actually was a good guess. She was expecting something to happen if she ate it.

He sighed, before picking up her fork and shoving a potato in his mouth, making sure she saw himself chew and swallow. He sat the fork down and motioned toward the plate. "See?" He said, giving her a friendly smile. She looked at him, and then the plate, still just a disbelieving, but he took a step away from her nonetheless.

Hesitantly, with a slow, shaking hand, she reached forward and grabbed a slice of cooked potato. She brought it to her mouth, looking at him and back to the food before slowly popping it in her mouth. He couldn't help but smile a little, knowing that she was at least getting a little better.

She chewed equally as slowly, and when she finally swallowed she was tense, her eyes squeezed shut, waiting for something. Her shoulders relaxed and she sighed, looking on the verge of tears.

Strange gave her a big smile, before turning around, picking up the still undisturbed clothes off of the chair and placing it on the foot of the bed, before sitting in the armchair, watching her with glee as she continued to eat. She looked genuinely confused and concerned while she ate, but her hunger probably won her over. By the look of her, she'd gone longer without food, with her hollow cheeks and ribs that poked from her skin.

"When was the last time you ate, Bird?" He asked, watching her carefully, she sucked in a breath at the nickname, which he assumed she didn't like, but didn't know what else to call her. Her real name made her look like she was about to stab herself in the throat with a pencil.

She looked at him, opened her mouth to answer him, but then looked up like she honestly didn't remember. "I-" She started, she shook her head. "I don't remember."

He knitted his brows together. He said, very carefully, "Can you tell me what you do remember?" She tensed at that, squeezing her eyes shut and shaking her head. It was clear she wasn't going to talk about it anymore, so he let go. He looked around the room, until his eyes landed on the clothes he had brought her before. He cracked a small smile, trying to set her at ease. "If you aren't going to shower, you might as well change. You've been in those rags God knows how long," He laughed, trying to set her toward something positive, like getting comfortable.

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