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I was the first one to get to Loki after we entered through the Bifrost, I couldn't wait any longer so I teleported myself straight to the throne room, where Loki stands with his back to me, talking to a guard. "Loki!" I erupt, running toward him. Loki whirls around, and he sees me running toward him and his eyes widen, his trademark smile gracing his lips. 

"Lyra-" He must've mistook my tone, due to the surprise in his face when I took my hand back and struck him across the cheek. He yelps, turning his head back toward me whilst rubbing his face, only to see my very unapologetic glare. He blew out a breath. "Can't say I didn't deserve that," He said, chucking dryly. "I missed you, love." Loki said, his grin never leaving his face, though he could still see me very much angry and very much not able to game. "I missed you too." I said begrudgingly, turning my head away angrily. Loki took a step toward me, touching his finger to my chin. "Will you let me kiss you or are you still going to pretend to be angry?" He quipped, his feral grin forever infuriating. "Pretend? I am angry! You could've killed us all!" I huffed, glaring up at him. 

He pushed his tongue between his teeth. "But I didn't."  I couldn't help but let a small laugh escape my lips, partially because of his nerve, and when he sees the change in my mood he doesn't ask for permission again.

He cups the back of my head and tilts my head up, connecting our lips, my anger faded and I melted into him and his arm hooked under my back. After a few euphoric seconds, he pulled away, looking down at me with the few inches of height he had in his favor. "My love...." He sighed, and his sudden change in mood made me falter. "What is it?" I asked, reaching my hand out, only for him to side step my touch. I frowned, hurt from his movement.  "I'm sorry. But I have to do this." He said breathlessly, I just stared at him, confused beyond reason at his change in heart. 

He turned away from me slowly, as if it hurt him to do it, and I stood there, shell shocked as he walked. "Guards, don't let her leave." He told his men, well, my men, who had been standing at the doorway the entire time. I look at him in surprise as he pulls away and starts toward the doors.

"Loki, what are you doing?!" He teleports away, and I'm left dumb founded. I remember I can teleport, but I  try and fail. The door glows a faint green- Loki placed a spell on the door. Gods-dammit, out of all the times he has to have a mental breakdown, it has to be when he has a new, uncharted source of power and he is king of Asgard. I turned toward the guards, who I quickly recollect to be Varian and Cal. 

"Please, you have to let me out before Loki does something he regrets." I beg, the guards still stand next to the corridors. "I am sorry, Milady, by orders of the king you are to stay here." One guard says, I groaned. "I am your admiral, and I demand you let me pass." I said, looking at them with challenge in my eyes. They exchange a glance, and I knew my order was in vain. Their duty was to Asgard, and to the king. Whomever it may be. "I'm sorry my Lady, we cannot let you through." One guard speaks up. I throw my hands up in frustration. There had to be some way to get out of here, to stop this. 

I turned toward my men once again, who now apparently didn't know how to pick their battles. "Can you at least tell me what he plans to do?"

Varian and Cal exchange another glance, and before they tell me that they can't tell me I sighed in exasperation and turned away from them.

"Loki, I know you can hear me! Stop this nonsense!" He doesn't answer at first, and I was beginning to think he would just ignore me entirely before he answered me. "Please, just stay safe from me. I have to do this." I curse under my breath balling my hands in fists, and despite my manners, my honor, and myself, I replied. "Bullshit!" 


I look at the two guards. "Sorry in advance." I said, walking toward Varian and Cal slowly. Suddenly wishing that I had summoned Dygo before Loki placed his spell. But I would have to do without. Without giving them a moment to realize what I would do, I slid down, sweeping my foot under one's legs, causing him to go tumbling down and tossing his weapon. I grab the spear and use the non-pointed side to knock him out cold, and turning to the second one. He points his spear at me, but I use the one in my hand to knock it from his grasp, kick him in the back of the knee, and also knock him out.

The Light To His Lies (Loki)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang