T H I R T Y - E I G H T

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Hours seemed to pass afterward. Or maybe days, possibly weeks, it felt like forever. I couldn't keep track of the time, there being no windows or clocks, the only light source being the dim spotlight that shined down on me.

Thanos had still not come back for me, had left me suspended in midair with a countless number of broken and mangled bones. A couple of hours ago I had fought through the pain in my arms enough to heal the swelling in my neck and my ribs, just enough to subside the pain. It still lingers since I didn't have enough energy to completely heal my bones, so I poorly healed my major wounds enough so my life is no longer in danger and I could somewhat maneuver, but I still had a few crooked and twisted bones that would take way too much energy to heal, and I lacked thereof.

Sleep weighed on my body and exhaustion weighed my eyelids down, but each time I almost slip into the sweet release of slumber, this invisible force seemed to slip into my head and keep me from going under. Black spots plague my vision, colors bursting in my eyes with each sudden head movement. I allow my head to lull back, trying to regain as much energy as possible without sleeping so I might be able to better heal my body before my bones will heal themselves and remain crooked.

With a shaky breath, I close my eyes, trying not to think about anything. I can't break down now, I have to remain somewhat stable and prepare myself for whatever the Mad Titan has prepared for me. Will he leave me here for days more? Torture me by making me sleep deprived? The thought alone seemed to make the lingering sleep press down more, beckoning me into the welcome arms of slumber.

I feel the darkness close in on me once again, and I begin to brace myself for that tug on my consciousness to keep me from giving into it, but surprisingly it doesn't come, and I loose myself into the swirling abyss.

I am not sure how long I was laying suspended in midair, drifting in and out of consciousness. The throbbing pain in my abdomen didn't leave me even after sleep grabbed hold of my throat and dragged me under.

I don't remember if I was dreaming or not, but soon a strange red mist swirled in my vision, illuminating a pitch black image into red and blue spots in the back of my eyes. The dim lights I see begin to brighten, and a sharp pain shoots through my head. And then suddenly without warning, it all stops, and the only thing that's left is darkness.

A strange sensation rifles through me,like a somewhat electric shiver down my spine. So many feelings and sensations attack my senses at once it's hard to keep up and track them all. The first thing I note is the plush, comfortable surface beneath me, the comfortable heat that strokes my skin and kisses my cheeks, unlike the phantom cold of the strange chamber Thanos had previously kept me. I also take into notice the freedom of my movements, I no longer feel the weight of the iron gauntlets that had bound my hands, and I finally feel brave enough to open my eyes. When I do, my breath fails me all at once and my stomach drops.

Recognition crashes into me, the silk sheets embroidered with amber patterns, the oak wood posts and ornate headboard with whorls and engravings carved into it. The window next to my bed, casting a golden sunlight on my skin, and outside tops of golden towers poke into my view.


The thought alone had my breath coming shorter, eyes widening. Confusion rattled my bones and exasperation caused my fingers to tremble. What the actual hell-

I ran my fingers over the carved, oak bedpost, narrowing my eyes and knitting my brows together. This is my bedchamber, one I stayed for almost my entire life. I immediately look down at my body, scouring my body for any proof of my injuries that Thanos had given me. I check my arms, fingers running over my skin and paying close attention. As I move my attention to my left arm my heart freezes. On my wrist, where it had been for almost a year, was a intricate, golden bracelet encrusted with emeralds.

The Light To His Lies (Loki)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن