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When we enter the room, Loki was still recovering from his tangle with the Hulk. Cuts litter his face and his hair is coated in dirt. He turns to look at us and Clint pulls his bow back, a scowl on his face. I pull my hair behind my ears, crossing my arms over my chest angrily. "If it means the same to you," He starts. "I'll have that drink now." Loki offers. I laugh softly but put my fist over my mouth when Steve glances at me.


Loki was wearing a muzzle later on. No matter what he had done in the past, it pained me to see him that way, standing still like a wounded dog while watching everyone carefully, his guilt so imperceptibly hidden, but he couldn't hide emotions from an empath. His jaw had already been covered in little cuts and his lips were busted, a cut over his brow and a nasty bruise on his jaw, over one of his eyes was a large gash that hadn't been tended to, but it wasn't life threatening. I could see how uncomfortable it was, so when no one was around or paying attention, I slipped it off to give him a break. I couldn't help myself.

"Ugh, thank you." He says, stretching his jaw and wincing. I leaned forward and ran my fingers over his cheek, my fingertips emit a soft yellow and his wounds close. The swelling in his lips go down and the bruises on his skin fade. When I was done, he leans down to kiss me, "Doesn't that hurt?" I ask, pressing my hand against his chest. He rolls his eyes as if the question was absurd. "At this point, I don't care." After a moment, I hesitantly kiss him back softly, my anger had not disappeared, it was still right below the surface, but I could not deny him, I cared for him far too much.

Shortly after, I pull away. "I thought you were dead." I say softly, peeking at him beneath my lashes. "For months I thought you were dead. And when I see you again, you were forcing people on their knees." I say, shaking my head and meeting his eyes. He looks down at me with a pained expression, connecting our foreheads. He doesn't say anything at first, just sits there and with his ragged breaths brushing my nose. "Really, I should kill you. I want to stab you in your stupid face," I said quietly, he knew I lied, I never meant him to think I was speaking honestly. His soft laugh brushed hot breath on my skin. "You're surprisingly restrained." He muttered, I tilted my head up and started into his emerald green eyes, my emotions mixing within my head and confusing even myself. "Which Loki am I talking to?" I asked quietly, scared to hear the answer. I hadn't seen his eyes blue since we saw him laying on the ground from his entanglement with the Hulk, but did that mean anything?

Or was that what shook him out of it?

My thoughts were suddenly to the mind stone, anyone controlled by it had glowing blue eyes, and a significant blow to the head would release them from such a hold. I frowned at him, could that be the case here? Did the Hulk really snap him out of it and that's why he seemed so tame now?

Loki sighed. "I can't take back what happened, Lyra," he said softly, touching the small of my back and trailing his hand around my waist. I moved back a little bit so I could meet his eyes, wanting so badly to once again see that brilliant emerald green. "You didn't answer my question, Loki." I said, the muzzle still dangling loose in my hand, he touched my face with his other hand but I leaned out of his touch. "I think you know the answer to that, love," he said softly. I was a about to reply when someone clears their throat behind me. I turn around to see Steve standing there, my face flushes with red and I stick the muzzle back on Loki's face, backing away from his embrace quickly.

"Uhh, before Thor and Loki go back to Asgard we were going to go to that shawarma joint Tony mentioned. Thor says you'll explain everything there?" Steve says, motioning to my armor. "Ah, yes I do believe I owe you all an explanation...or two. How long were you standing there?" I ask nervously, rubbing the back of my head. "Long enough." He says, motioning his hand for me to follow him. I follow Steve as SHIELD agents take Loki and cuff him. I glance back at him as if to say, We're finishing this conversation later, and he nods at me, but I could feel his hesitation on me, along with his guilt, his anguish, I tried to force his emotions from my system but to no avail. When I met up with the Avengers, we walked to the joint in silence, saying nothing about my strange armor, about the bruises on all of our faces, or even the God of Mischief in custody.

When we got there, we took seats in the middle of the joint, nobody else was there, which was unsurprising. Probably because of the alien invasion only a couple hours before. I was surprised to see people even working there in the first place, but I still don't understand Midgardian customs. Once we sat, we ordered food and the people left to retrieve what we ordered, not saying a word over our strange battle armor and garb. Tony didn't miss a beat. "Okay, E.T, you owe us an explanation." Tony says, shifting in his seat. I sigh and sit up straighter, looking at Thor nervously. "Okay, I have not been so honest with you all, and, I'm not exactly from Earth like I have lead you all to believe." I say. The color drops from Steve's face and Thor just nods along, indicating for me to move on. I look down sullenly, playing with my fingers anxiously.

"Wait, so where are you from, Mars?" Tony asks, he had said something else about me being from Mars in the past, which I waved off immediately. "No, I am from Asgard. Where Thor's from." I correct him, looking back up.

"Wait, so you lied to us? Who else knew?" Nat asks. "Nick Fury. He was the one who found me left to die in the middle of nowhere, I'd fallen here from Asgard. He had dug up information about Thor and I in New Jersey, and he knew my origins were the same as Thor's, so he offered me a new start on Earth." I say.

"So you weren't on a road trip to New York? You fell from the sky?" Clint asks. I shrugged. "Basically." Silence fell on us and my eyes snake over to Steve, he looks deep in thought, and in utter disbelief. His emotions flood into me, his confusion stands out the most of all his emotions, anger laced in somewhere in the hurt and disbelief but isn't very strong, but the thing that catches my attention is the betrayal he feels. He notices I'm staring and meets my eyes, but after a few fleeting seconds I depart from our stare and look at the ground, guilt bubbling in my core. "Wait, are you a god too?" Bruce asks, rubbing his temples trying to process the information. "Technically, I'm a goddess." I say shrugging. "Oh my god, that's so cool, what are you the god of?" Tony asks. I chuckle and say "I actually don't know yet."

"So, once dumb and dumber leave to go back to that alien planet we should grab that drink." Tony says. I shake my head and sigh. "I'm going back as well." I say, I meet Thor's worried gaze and nod. "I cannot avoid my problems forever. And with the bridge fixed I have no excuse to stay. We have to face Odin eventually." I tell Thor.

The same thing was playing in both our minds, Odin would carry forth the engagement. He would also, without a doubt, interpret my actions of jumping after Loki.

"So.. no drink then?" Tony asks. "Sorry, Stark. Besides, I don't drink." I say. A true statement, though a little alcohol never hurt anyone I try and avoid it, I've only ever known alcohol to make people do ludicrous things. Especially the Asgardian alcohol, Berg, which was just bad decisions in a bottle.
"You're going with them?" Steve asks, looking at me with disbelief. My eyes soften and I look at him with regret.

"Yes. It is my home." I say. "Why are you so hesitant to go back then?" Steve demands, clearly upset about loosing a friend. I sigh and rake a hand through my hair, "Complicated." I say, realizing how stupid my excuse is. I didn't want to go back to Asgard at first because I thought it'd be a place without Loki. But now that I've found out he's alive, there's nothing that will keep me from Asgard.

Besides the fact I'll be forced to marry Thor.

But if I missed my opportunity to go back to Asgard, Odin's anger with me will only grow. He might even send his armies after me when the Bifrost is fixed, and perhaps I'd spend the rest of my life in the dungeons for heresy.

Nonetheless, it was time to return home.

The Light To His Lies (Loki)Where stories live. Discover now