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At the ceremony, Thor came down the line of cheering Asgardians.

I stood with Frigga and Loki next to Odin, my heart pounding in my chest. I was wearing a gown, but with slits at the knees and with armor over my abdomen and chest, along with gauntlets on both my arms. I had refused to wear some fancy gown, but had been required to wear a dress to support my betrothed. Dygö was at my side, strapped on the waste of the soft gold gown I wore with lace instead of sleeves. I couldn't wear boots so moccasins covered my feet, because I wouldn't wear heels and had to compromise. Loki kept glancing my way, he knew what I was thinking. I knew Frigga did too. Odin had put more guards on duty, but would they be able to hold back the Frost Giants? Thor kneels before Odin, removing his helmet and setting down his helmet.

Odin starts saying something, but it's all blurred, my ears are only listening for one thing, the alarm. Relief washes over me, maybe they were gone after all. Just as Odin picks up the crown, my worst fear came true: the alarm blasts. "Lyra don-" Loki starts, I ignore him, I phased to the treasure room immediately, drawing Dygö from its scabbard with skilled efficiency. I appear in the doorway, staring at three blue, icy figures I knew would be there, I recognized them from when I had arrested them. When I see the guards I had personally assigned strewn dead on the floor, guilt struck me hard in the chest as I gaze upon their unseeing faces, and the last one stood wielding a sword. My heart picked up and everything slowed down.

No! I scream in my head. I take a running start and leap through the air, raising to drive my sword through the Giant that stood closest to the guard, but by the time my sword hits home the guard had ice enveloping his body. He led out a terrified scream and his sword stood poised, his body stiff with ice. I yell for the Frost Giant, but it was too late, the last guard stood frozen, and very, very dead.

A screen behind he treasure room dissolves, and the Destroyer emerged from behind the Casket and blasted the Frost Giants into nothing. I run forward, sliding onto my knees and examine his blue lips and pale complexion.I grab the soldier who had just died, my soldier. I'm his admiral, I should've stopped this. While stupidly staring at him I thought, maybe I could heal him, what was my limit? I ran my fingers over his face, hissing at the ice so cold is burned me. I hear Odin enter behind me, along with Loki and Thor and multiple guards. I hold my hands on the guard's temples, closing my eyes. His cold skin burns in my hands, but I grit my teeth,refusing to let go. "Lyra!" It was Thor's voice, I peak my eyes open to see the ice had dissolved, and my hands we're glowing a soft gold, healing him was different than anything I've ever healed.

Like taking a piece of machinery that had fallen from the structure and putting it back in it's needed place. I fought the fatigue that dropped my eyelids in a matter of seconds, fought the painful cry as agony ripples through my chest and weighed down on my ribs. I kept going, even as the pain became almost unbearable, and then finally the guy's eyes flutter open.

He shoots up, gasping for air. His skin was still cold to the touch, but at least he's alive. Breathing, I remind myself.

I felt my energy deplete and as I try to stand I went tumbling into Thor. "Lyra, are you alright?" Thor asks. "Bring me to the others. " I demand, barely having the energy to say it. Thor obliged, bringing me to one of the other dead frozen guards. Guards that accompanied Odin rushed to the side of the man I revived.

I place my hands on each side of the next one's head, the ice began to dissipate much slower than the last time, this time I couldn't stop my whimper of pain as I healed him, my hands almost burning alive as they hummed and pulsed with golden power. I thought I might faint, might scream, might throw up-

but his eyes flutter open. "Lyra-" I attempt to stand by go straight back down. Loki was the one to catch me this time. "Two m-more." I mumble. I feel myself losing in my battle of consciousness. No! I felt a surge flow through my veins, and indescribable agony that tore apart my chest so violently the scream rippled through me before I could stop it,"Lyra-" Loki starts, but I never get to hear the rest of what he was saying, because I went limp in his arms and I fell into the abyss.

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